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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Vampires can get inside people's heads. Lexi was making Stefan hallucinate/feel decade long starvation etc. We weren't seeing what Elena was seeing with Stefan's arms shriveling like that, that was showing us what Stefan was hallucinating.


There's nothing technical about it. Jeremy cheated.

Tendai kangas

It's not petty drama when you don't want to talk to someone who hurt you. "bonnie isn't everything, she is just a girl who I'm dating right now" no she is the girl who saved your life and put hers on the line, she is the girl who literally you would have nothing without, not even your life.

Tendai kangas

nope bonnie has 100% every right to be as upset as she is. A guy she loves cheated, I mean girls get mad when a guy likes a girls picture and this is over reacting? nahh. ok rant over good reaction and episode :)

Stefan Davis

I’m not justifying Jeremys actions but damn the girl he loved first died while they were together.....he received no closure and all a sudden he dies and he’s able to see her again and than it’s escalates to him being able to feel her.....I think he reacted in a way that anyone would react but that’s just my opinion......... And the necklace situation yes it was Rebekahs but at the time Klaus erased Stefan’s memory of ever meeting them sooo when Stefan found the necklace that’s when he use that necklace of a symbol of hope!!!


I don’t get how you could defend jeremys actions here lol. He kissed her he said he loves HER and not bonnie that is not just emotional cheating but physical too. Bonnie saved his life so she is everything because without her he’d be dead. Bonnie deserves way better than him..


Yeah...like everyone else said...Bonnie deserves better here. Jeremy should have never moved on with Bonnie if he wasn't over Anna enough. Instead, he carried on a relationship with her for months all while he was keeping from her that he was seeing Anna. Bonnie risked everything to bring Jeremy back because she LOVES him. Yet Jeremy is lying to her. He knows what he's doing is wrong or he wouldn't be hiding it. Anna doesn't just appear...he has to be thinking of her, so that definitely implies he still cares a lot. Yet, he just strings Bonnie along. Then when he realizes he can touch Anna and that he still loves her...he cheats on Bonnie without breaking up with her first. It's gross.

Whitney McGriff

Yea this dude made no sense with the Bonnie situation.. he just doesn't like her lol


Bonnie is the superior character and deserves the entire world, oh and yes Jeremy did cheat and it's definitely a big deal. They are in a relationship and he's out here kissing and being with his ex girlfriend, even if she is a ghost he is still cheating, its both emotional and physical cheating. Bonnie saved his life so she is everything, he wouldn't even exist without her, anyways stan Bonnie because she's amazing and always gets shat on

Daniel R

Steven your comments are so strange sometimes. You don't get the relevance of the necklace but think Bonnie is overreacting about Jeremy cheating on her after risking her own life to save him?

Fly on the Wall

Anna is also only dead because Bonnie betrayed her best friend. It kinda feels poetic.

messiah waite

I agree abt the Jeremy thing, also he’s a teenage boy in the show so there’s that too. His common sense isnt really there yet

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I honestly do not understand Jeremy's sudden declaration of love for Anna. Yeah, she was the coolest and we as the audience loved her but Jeremy was barely into her when she was alive. He wanted her to turn him so he could be with Vicki, for God's sake. When she died, he didn't even cry. He wasn't wrecked about it. He was just like "yeah, I figured that happened when they took her away". She was his friend and maybe he felt a little more for her but destroying an amazing gradual relationship between Bonnie and Jeremy with some cheap lazy writing didn't do Anna any justice.