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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rafael Lemus

Steven, the title to this post is wrong lol it should be "The Gift". Regardless, what a finale! Buffy Summers. She saved the world. A lot. ❤


This was intended to be the series final..the show had not been renewed at this point...it’s also the 100th episode :)


as others will tell you...this was originally suppose to be the series finale. the show later ended up getting picked up for two more seasons by another network. but at the time this was filmed, it was intended to be the series finale. which explains why the 'previously on' recapped the whole series and why the show was bold enough to kill off its main character. as much as i like seasons 6 and 7, i do think this would've been the perfect ending for the show. incredible episode! 10 outta 10 for sure!

Angelina Jackson

I was crushed when this aired. It was promoted as the series finale and then halfway through the summer I saw a promo on the UPN. The UPN promos are all on YouTube they are pretty fun. A blast from the past!


The opening montage, and Buffy dying at the end, was because this wasn't just a season finale but the final episode of the series ... on the WB network. Next season started on the United Paramount Network.


one of the things i loved about this episode was how it pulled aspects from other seemingly one off episodes from the season and combined it all to culminate in the ultimate finale. the dagon sphere, the troll hammer, the buffy bot, hell even lizard man...all components from the season that were incorporated into the finale.

james cedro

This Episode is a 10...you would have felt differently if you watched when it aired ..it was a complete shock when Buffy died..the Anya and Xander stuff didn’t bother me at all cause they thought it could be their last day on earth..it wasn’t just about saving Dawn. This was the last episode on the WB .. The WB and Joss Whedon got in financial dispute and the WB will cancel Angel the following year even though it was doing good in the ratings as a sort of punishment to Joss for bringing Buffy to a rival network.

Marshall Dante Robertson

This was my gateway to the Buffyverse. I caught the last 20 minutes of this episode when I was 9 y.o, and I bawled all night, without any context. Lol I actually remember at the end of the episode, the WB gave us a black screen with the words " Thank you for 5 great years". 😁 Great reaction man, I honestly can't wait for season 6!

Brian Rayburn

I got the impression it was the wrecking ball that weakened Glory the most. Her nose is actually bleeding just after it and she's slower to react to Buffy's hits. Also, notice that Tara points at Giles and says "You're a killer! This is all set down" just before she leaves to help them find where Glory is.

Steve Quast

I think Willow's spell, the sphere, the hammer, the wrecking ball, and the fact that the wall between Ben and Glory was fading all contributed to Glory's weakness.


the opening with the Vamp was because of it being the potential series finale they wanted to bring it back down to the roots and it being about her being a Vampire Slayer.


I don't think you understand fully how magick works in this show. Willow doesn't have infinite power. It expends energy. After big spells like teleporting Glory or restoring Tara, she's kind of tapped out. She is getting stronger but even she has limits. In regards to your shuttering too lizard man. Why would Ben kill Dawn if he seperated from Glory? In the episode they make it pretty clear that Ben's motivation to go with sacrificing Dawn is Glory using you full god-hood to separate him from her so he could live. Remember at the first episode of this season you said you wish Dracula was the big bad? Do you still feel that way?


A few things, if Ben and glory split then there would be not way for glory to be killed. Willow couldn’t help out more cuz spell drain you especially the big ones. We didn’t need a scene with Giles telling the group to kill dawn because none of them have the stomach to go threw with it except Giles and even then Buffy would just kill Giles before he got the chance so that’s a wasted scene. Also if the worlds gonna end I’m gonna have my moment with my lover that’s what Xander Anya did.


I think the point of Glory being weakened here was that it required the team pulling out all the stops (anad "thinking outside the box!") to do it - it was the combo of Willow, the sphere, the wrecking ball, and the troll god's hammer that made it possible. And even then, I don't think Glory was near death or anything, which is why she was still only kill-able when she reverted back to Ben. Which is why Ben and Glory splitting wouldn't have worked - Glory would've been unstoppable without being shackled to Ben. As others have stated, this was a potential series finale, so the opening scene was basically Whedon going back to the beginning and re-stating his original mission statement for the show: Buffy being "just a girl" who wants a normal girl life, but is, whether she likes or not, anything but ordinary and chosen for a greater calling to protect the world from evil (vampires). Also, when you get a chance, I recommend going back and watching Buffy/Faith's prophetic dreams and "Restless," as Whedon had planned the events of this season since S3, so there was a lot of foreshadowing to it. They were referencing a countdown to Buffy's death, for one. In their shared dream in the S3 finale, after Buffy says she has somewhere she's supposed to be, Faith comments that she's got "miles to go, Little Miss Muffet (a Dawn reference, as you'll recall one the brain-drained victims who saw her as the Key calling her that) counting down from 7-3-0," or 730 days = 2 years. Then a year later, in the S4 finale "Restless," when the clock shows 730 and Buffy comments on it, Dream Tara tells her "oh no, that clock's completely wrong," because they were now one year away from her death instead of two. "Restless" also featured some pretty clear foreshadowing of what went down with Joyce this season, too, so definitely worth a re-watch after you finish, imo.


Glory being weaker was a combo of all of the stuff which would all technically be part of the fight to stop her. the dagon sphere, willow, the wreaking ball and the troll hammer were needed to weaken her enough to stop her.


That's not true. Angel lasted another 3 seasons on The WB after Buffy moved to the UPN (BtVS S6/AtS S3 and BtVS S7/AtS S4 aired together and then AtS S5 aired the following year) and it's cancellation had nothing to do with BtVS moving to UPN years earlier.

Vicky N

This is a ten for me. Buffy’s sacrifice always get me even though I know that there are two more season. This particular piece of music when Buffy jumps is beautiful. Of all the reaction to Buffy’s death, apart from Dawn, Spike, the soulless vampire is the one that affects me the most. Others have already pointed out the reason for the recap at the beginning and for the first scene. It’s at he same time a reminder of who Buffy is and a final recognition. And of course it’s a foreshadowing for the end. Season 5 for me has the most cohesive storyline and even episode that seemed standalone, like “triangle “, have elements which contributes to the story. And let’s not forget all the foreshadowing since the season 3 finale that someone else has already explained.


This is one of my favrorite episodes of Buffy! Lke many people said it was meant to be the series finale and it really changes your perspective when you watch it agian some of the choices they made. Your point on Buffy pushing Dawn I find interesting, she really couldn't push her off the tower, Dawn would die, and I think shoving her to the floor would just seem mean and excesive. I love the way they did it, I always find it extermely powerful how. you see Dawn stumbeling down the tower in pain and grief, the fact that she had to walk down alone after her sister sacrificed herself is so moving to me and always packs a punch. The beginning scene was meant to be a major callback and show Buffys evolution. Rumor has it, is that Anay was supposed to die in the finale but Emma Caufiled couldn't stop twitching in her scense so Joss decided to let her live. Lol


I think there's a few nits to pick with the episode but it's still a 10 for me. I can imagine a better fight sequence where Glory is battling two Buffy's and being dizzy and confused from the sphere and also getting attached by the witches. But I have to keep in mind the really low budgets they were working with. At the time this came out this was the pinnacle of urban fantasy on the small screen. Buffy was telling some of the best stories with amazing special effects considering what they were working with. And Buffy is such a hero sacrificing herself for the Dawn- such a beautiful scene against the rising sun. Amazing. 10 out of 10 would cry again.

Reed James

This was a 10. They spent the entire season laying the foundation for that ending and they pulled it off.


One of the best "previously on" ever.


The moments between Xander and Anya in this episode is just how they deal with stress. Remember in The Body they had sex right after Joyce's funeral. Then again here in The Gift. That's just a character trait of this couple. That's how they handle things.


I always found it to be great that the lizard guy is the one that ultimately cut Dawn. Glory was down and out. The gang thought they had saved the day and stopped the ritual. Then in that one moment...everything changes because a worshipper of Glory got to Dawn. Joss is giving the audience that emotional punch of feeling relief and then right back up to a 10 on the panic mode when we realize it isn't over. Ben separating from Glory would have be wrong on so many levels 1. that was Ben's entire motivation. If he could separate from Glory then why would he help her? He never wanted to kill Dawn for Glory. He was only helping to save himself. 2. Separating them wouldn't have allowed for Glory to be killed. It also wouldn't have given us that great scene with Giles being the one to do it. 3. If they separate and for some reason Ben was still on Glory's side...it wouldn't have given the audience that feeling that the day was saved...only to realize she was still in danger. We would have just still known she was in danger. Joss is all about that emotional journey. 4. Ben would have been no match for Spike. He couldn't have gotten past him...even though Spike feels pain when he hurts a human he can still do it if he needs to. It was the surprise that the lizard guy was so fast and strong (when he doesn't appear to be) that made him able to defeat Spike.


Agreed! This is a really well laid out season that even starts clear back in season 3. I still think of it as one of the best seasons of any television show I've seen. It's just really well done.

Mariella Nilsson

The irony about Giles killing ben, is that ben saved Giles life some episodes before!


Yeah, this episode is something else. And seeing Spike break down is rough too, he looks genuinely broken. As for what Willow was doing and why she wasn't doing more, we've seen in the past that using magic is draining on her and so she likely could only do so much. The spell she used to take from Glory and give back to Tara WAS her plan in hopes of healing Tara but also in weakening Glory in some way. After she did that kind of powerful spell, I got the impression she couldn't really do much more and she even grabbed Tara's hand to gain more energy to move those people for Spike to go up to Dawn, so that also gives the impression that her own magic wasn't strong enough at that point. I think she'd done all she could.

Eric Paul Owens

This felt like a series finale because it was, the show switched networks after this season. It was promoted as the 100th episode and the series finale by the WB who did not acknowledge that the series would continue.

DJ Doena

Damn how did I miss this update, need to watch it!!!

Fighter seVen'eiGht

I can't get with your ending. You have to have Giles be the one to kill Ben and Glory especially because Ben is the key to killing Glory. That was a key setup. You could have had Glory start the ritual and fall then have Buffy knock her down and refuse to kill Ben if you want someone else to start the ritual, but taking that kill away from Giles after all the setup into Ben being the key to killing Glory and Giles being the one willing to murder to get the job done would have lessened the episode to a 7 in my opinion.

Vicky N

Never thought about that before. Yes it’s even more significant and yes, ironic.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Funny how 5 was supposed to be the end to some series. Buffy and Supernatural was supposed to end at 5 and... surprise. Now... your onto MY personal favorite season. Looking forward to it.


Yeesh, really? 6 is just... bleak. Not even dark. Just a wasteland.

Tammy L. Faulkner

To each is own... but, not DARK? Ok... just keep rewatching the Joyce dying episodes and maybe you can get you jollys from that if you want THAT kind of DARK so much.

DJ Doena

We few, we happy few. - We band of buggered!


Buffy buried under a willow tree 😭😭😭


That is right. It was a finale because they were not sure they would be coming back at first. Boy did I cry watching this live.


Definitely agree. It had to be Giles. Buffy is the hero of the show and for lack of a better term they keep her from going to that side of things and being like faith etc. She doesn't kill humans. Ever.

Jordan Haddow

Great reaction. It's such a crazy episode. Nobody is prepared for it. When reactors start the series, we all joke around with them about how in this show, no character is safe. There really is no way to get across just what that really means. Now, for the second time, they've legitimately killed off the main character. Not just some dream death or alternate universe death, but actual life gone from the world death. Crazy. Anywho, I just wanted to talk about a couple points you mentioned. A kind of my two cents on the subject thing. During the lull at the store, when Anya and Xander were having sex, they weren't actually putting off saving Dawn. If you go back earlier, they talk about waiting there until right before the ceremony. The did that intentionally to have the best chance the battle would distract Glory at the moment she was supposed to start bleeding Dawn. So, they were sitting around the store waiting for hours. Obviously, having to do that would get to you, so they did what they did to distract themselves from all the waiting around. I think it was kind of spur of the moment. I do think the proposal timing was off, but I think that was because Xander procrastinated and there really wasn't much time left to procrastinate in before the world possible ended. Also, the beginning. I think the beginning kind of ties back into the scene in Buffy's mind when she put the book back. When Buffy put the book back, she said that was the moment she felt she was going to lose to Glory. Not only that, it was the moment she accepted it. At the time, she thought that she meant she accepted Dawn's death. Now we know, she accepted her own death. She knew she just couldn't go on in this world making the decisions being the slayer required her to make. So, in the beginning of the episode, she's showing just how tired she is. How long in the tooth one could say. Before, as much as Buffy fought against being the slayer, in the moment, when fighting and when killing a vampire, it always got her blood flowing. She had that slayer bloodlust that Faith always went on about. Here we can see, it's really just not there anymore. As for Willow and Tara. If you watch them at the end, when they come over to see Buffy's body, Willow can barely stand. Back in the store, she said that one possibility was everybody's head would explode. Also, it was powerful enough to have a lasting effect on Glory. So, I think they went with the idea that the spell was so powerful, that it took every last bit of power for Willow to pull it off and have them survive it. I don't know, I get what you mean action wise, but this way does seem pretty realistic considering how powerful Glory was. I mean, it took so much just to give Buffy the advantage. She was already weekend because her bond with Ben was breaking down. Willow hit her with the whammy. Robo Buffy hit her with the sphere. Xander hit her with a wrecking ball. And Buffy hit her with a god hammer a lot a lot. All that combined just to make her weak enough to turn back into Ben. Makes sense that the spell would wipe out the witches when up against a character as powerful as that. My two cents at least. Love the reaction and looking forward to your next season reactions. Much fun to be had still.