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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I agree Jess is not a super great boyfriend but I just don’t think he’s a horrible person. I get why he acts the way does. Also, dean wasn’t that great. He was super possessive and kind of aggressive. They totally changed the narrative with him when Jess came around for the good boy vs bad boy trope. I’m not crazy for either of them as boyfriends. Totally agree Emily is the best part of this episode. I love Emily’s freak outs around Richards mom.


The way I understand Rory and Jess's problem here is Rory is very dependant in her relationships. Like she said, she expects to be spoiled (which by the way, was a shitty thing to say to a guy with Jess' backstory and family drama, but yeah...) She wants a plan and she's very bad at adjusting to sudden changes. Whereas Jess is very independent in his relationships. He's used to being alone, isn't a natural at the whole planning thing and doesn't rely on people. Do I think Jess should make an effort? Yes, because that's what his girlfriend wants and a relationship is a two people's job. Do I think Rory is being unfair by simply expecting him to be like Dean? Definitely! Their biggest problem is a huge lack of communication D: Just like Jess should make an effort, Rory should tell him what she expects from him as a boyfriend and give him a chance to change (which he can't do if he doesn't know there's something to change to begin with) As for why a lot of us like the guy? His is a story far from over. When you know where the kid comes from and you take a minute to analyze his reasons for being a certain way, he goes from a jackass to a very sad and very hurt kid and he's fascinating to observe and talk about because compared to a LOT of other characters in this show, he actually has a story of his own...he's not just about being Rory's boyfriend. And his journey as a whole is (in my opinion) one of the best to witness despite him being a secondary character.

Tendai kangas

and yes I agree Jess should definitely hear that message.

Mariella Nilsson

The end scene is Rory not feeling very proud over caving in and going along with jess and the concert, is my enterpretation! Thanks for a great reaction!!


Some women, maybe! I've always been more fond of the spontaneous gesture. I'm independent in my relationships myself, sooo

Valencia Lanier

Yeah that is the actress who plays Lexie. I just think that Jess could have called. On Friday, he said he’d call after work but took an extra shift so he ended up getting off at midnight. So he couldn’t call Rory and tell her he was working an extra shift? What’s that, a whole extra four hours? Of course he had breaks and probably a lunch. He could have made a quick call. I don’t care how independent other folks says Jess is, that is just rude and inconsiderate. Rory expected Jess to be off work at a certain time and and changes that time and didn’t tell her. Rude and dismissive. Basically he felt his girlfriend didn’t need to know even though they were supposed to hang out. I hated when my ex boyfriend did that. Showed up late or not at all. It’s a form of disrespect. Jess knows both he and Rory have busy lives so if they have limited time they should try to make time for it. Rory should also make that clear to Jess so they are on the same page. Jess should also not expect that Rory will just be around when he is good and ready. On Saturday, He said he would have been there if he didn’t have to stand in line for tickets. Why couldn’t he and Rory stand in line together? Was this ticket line across town from where the concert would be or at the actual venue? So many wrong decisions between Jess and Rory happened in this episode. Also where is this venue that this band is playing? Is this an outing that perhaps Loreli should know about incase something goes wrong? They can’t be playing in Stars Hollow so how far out of town did they have to go? And Dean wasn’t the best boyfriend. He had some issues when it came to handling how busy she was but I think they worked at it. He was emotional when he said he loved her and she said nothing back but I didn’t expect them to have the emotional maturity to deal with that. Teen angst. But he tried and wasn’t as rude and dismissive as Jess is. Jess doesn’t need to act like Dean but he and Rory both need to learn how to be in a relationship together that doesn’t hinge on Rory doing all the compromising or bribing him to do something. Having an plan and scheduling time together in a relationship isn’t even being spoiled. It’s just respecting each other’s time.

Stephanie Bedworth

My interpretation of the end scene was always that Rory was feeling bummed out because Dean is moving on and happy with someone else while she herself is not completely happy in her new relationship. While Jess and Rory are a lot alike in many ways, they are very different in others. Rory grew up being able to be dependent on people and he didn't. As a consequence of this, Jess has probably learned to live his life in such a way as to just let things happen as they may. Why bother trying for something because it never happens, right? That's his thinking. He's less hurt and disappointed that way. If thing are going to work out with him and Rory, he's going to need to learn to put himself out there more and adjust his thinking. He might be too young and stubborn to accept that at this point.