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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Jesus Alejo

Great reaction to a really good season finale!... And yes, the emotional stuff in this episode with Kate and Castle was awesome, this episode alone kicked their relationship up a notch.. Like you said this show like many others play with the "will they won't they", but as a fan of this show that has seen it all a couple of times, I think they did a really good job with all the layers of the relationship drama between those 2... Looking forward to more amazing reactions!

Chastity Deatherage

Loved this episode so much...and really, Castle was just doing what you kept telling him to do. Just let it be. He saw that the thing between Demming and Beckett wasn't going away(at least to his knowledge) and he was moving on. Letting Kate be happy. Beckett just waited too long to speak up. Next season is one of my favorites and there are some really great episodes and some more that deal more with Becketts past. Love your reactions and can't wait for the next!

Nan A

Season 3 gets more intense especially with the cases. Looking forward to your reactions...

Jordan Haddow

Such a fun episode. A fun little tid bit. The higher ups for the show actually created the show with the idea that Castle and Beckett never get together until possibly the series finale. They have so much insane chemistry that it's torture to watch these close calls. Kind of like Chuck. Also, I have to say, I really love a line in this episode many people miss. When his mother passes on the Patterson was going to be late to the poker game, Castle says he's probably writing another book. Patterson is a pretty famous author known for publishing an ungodly number of books a year. So it's pretty funny for the readers in the audience. Additionally, another tid bit for the readers who love the show. The network actually published Castle's books under his name. You can read the actual Nikki Heat and the Storm series (well, at least some of the Storm series). I've read a number of the Nikki Heat books and they are really actually good. I'd recommend any Castle fan go and read them. (Or do like I do and listen to the audiobooks).