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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Tendai kangas

Derek throwing Iisac out was kinda sad as you could see that it was only because Derek was scared of Duce making him kill Iisac, he made it seem like he doesn't care but when it's actually the opposite. And I like how Iisac is getting a main cast part as he is probably one of my faves

Tendai kangas

the next episodes though....

Crystal Laherrere

That part always makes me so sad. Exactly what you said about Derek and his reasoning, Derek is trying to protect him but you can see that it just brought so much about his father back for Issac it breaks my heart.


The next episode might be my fav out this season. I can’t wait. Also deaton has to dumb down everything so we can understand because right now the characters have no idea what’s going on either


One of my favorites. This is a great episode that showcases Scott growing into a leadership role esp when it comes to Isaac


I don't watch a lot of supernatural shows, but this show does a great job of not only bringing in newer or rarely used supernatural creatures, but explaining them well. The next two episodes are my favorite of the season (it's set up like a 2-parter), the second being one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. I'm really excited to see how you react to them. Take care!


The major problem with this series is the slow motion, the scene with the alphas arriving and fighting against Cora and Derek, it could have been spectacular if there was not a slow motion that makes us wait all along. With that said, when Deucalion puts the twins back in their place, the goal is to call them to order so they don't go any further than they should. The Darach, the dark druid is the one who makes the sacrifices now remains to be seen who it is. Harris knew who it was, after getting involved with the Hales fire and the mad Kate, he had to go have fun with a druid, result, he died. It remains to be seen now whether the Alphas are linked to the druid or not, what the druid wants ... As for Derek I find him tough, he took Isaac out of his daily life, made him a werewolf and as soon as it got tough he abandons him. Already he was not a good alpha leaving Erica to die and Boyd to be missing for months, he only has Boyd and Isaac left, and obviously he does not know how to do it. Moreover we see that Isaac from the start of the season turns to Scott, at the beginning by saying that Scott did not trust Peter so him either, in this episode Scott tells him to calm down and he calms himself down directly and then once he finds himself on the street he goes to Scott's place, because he knows that Scott may not be his Alpha but he takes care of his own, which Derek does not.


Everyone has hit on notes I wanted to mention about Isaac & Derek. My heart broke for both of them. Can I just say how adorable Danny was in this episode! 😁💕

s jaco

I don't know if someone mentioned it, but the actors of Allison and Isaac were an item while filming teen wolf. Little on set fact :-)