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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Remember no spoiler or future talk guys! Getting kinda scared the comment section is playing with fire, hope it doesn't happen :)

Christina mani

I wouldn't say The Originals make klaus good per say but it's more of an explanation of why he is the way he is. And they show the layers there is to him. They will get more into their origins don't worry. That's all I'm gonna say cause spoilers

Sade L.

The next episode is one of my absolute faves😩

Stefan Davis

Klause is such a complex and emotional villain!!!

Janeka Rector

In this episode, Anna explained that Jeremy can see/hear her when Jeremy thinks about her. In the season finale, Jeremy was researching death and coming back from the dead experiences, which can be a reason why both Anna and Vicki are on his mind- being vampires and all. At least that’s my fan theory.

Jesus Alejo

You'll get to know more about the characters that will go on to The Originals show, then you will decide for yourself of course... All I will say to maybe help you look forward to what's coming is that as you can probably tell by now is a pretty wide spread opinion that the originals are one of (if not) the most complex and better characters in this "TDVUniverse" and the spin-off is in many ways better than this one or just as good

john segun doe

exactly why alot of people rate the originals higher the tvd. I personally love them both but yah

Valencia Lanier

Damon did look for the ring before he killed Ric. He looked down at the hand Ric had on his chest and said, "Your temporary funeral." I always hate when they expect Damon to be like Stefan or Caroline. He's Damon. Either like him for who he is, problematic asshole and all, or just don't. Stop expecting him to change for anyone besides himself.

john segun doe

The story telling is phenomenal and the peeling back of layers klaus's psyche is masterful. I really do hope he watches it but if he doesn't then to each his own

john segun doe

I never understand why david gets mad at expendable characters dying, like i get it if we had some character development but other than that, they're the proverbial sacrificial lambs for the overall story


Love the next ep! It’s a fave

Calvin Allen

Partly because they are people of color that are seen to be disposible.


Honestly I though it was pretty funny when Damon said "your temporary funeral". Yes he killed Rick and it probably hurt for a sec but that is literally it. He knew hed come back so killing him isnt really horrible. Or is it just me who thinks that 😂?


The originals is from Klaus perspective making him the protagonist but I personally wouldn't say not the good guy. he's more of the anti-hero i guess


Also with all the witches being POC and seeming disposable is an issue a lot of people had even cast members had/have an issue with it.

Whitney McGriff

Yea their treatment of the witches/black characters/Bonnie forever bothered me. They use them to push whatever narrative then do away with them..

messiah waite

The originals is interesting because u see different sides to klaus and his family and that’s all imma say. All the characters are great

Fly on the Wall

Being a witch is generationally inherited so why wouldn't make sense that a lot of the witch bloodlines originated from common black ancestors and families? Especially considering real life cultures? I think others have already covered the POC getting killed, but TVD has laid to rest people of all backgrounds pretty frequently. Basically if you're expendable, you've got to go. I think witches are especially expendable because as the guardians of nature they pose the greatest threat to our heroes and villains alike.


Stefan didn't want Gloria to know Elena was still alive.