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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Chris is such a twat. I loved the flashbacks and the Emily/Lorelai scenes. Also that Luke/Jess scene always makes me laugh.


Cant stand Dean, still thought that scene with him and Jess was funny. Dont worry, something can be funny and wrong at the same time. Absolutely loved the flashback, such a memorable episode, I always remember the flashbacks.


To the Lorelai and parents relationship and the purpose of the flashbacks: Lorelai is independent and wants her own life (completely understandable) and her parents push a different life on her. They are seen trying to control her future without wven asking her, Id have a problem with that too. If I had parents like Lorelai I dont know if Id call them if I went into labour either, its an extremely stressful situation and as you can see the parents didnt really male it better. If she didnt wamt them around I think thats her choice. Though I can see how it would be hurtful for Emily. As to the backpacking trip plans: Lorelai was saying that Chris shouldnt give up his future and his plans (the backpacking trip was more his plan anyway) for her and their kid. She wanted to take care of the kid alone (again, completely understandable) so she refused to marry him and told him he had no obligation to not stand in the way of his future. If you ask me a selfless thing to do, though I feel like sometimes she should have considered Rory a little more. But Rory seemed to be very happy with her childhood so I guess it all worked out and I can only applaud Lorelai for the job she did. The last flashback: through the distance and time Emily and Lorelai managaed to achieve something like a working relationship (at least from time to time) so maybe a step in the right direction after all the hurt and accusations from the past and maybe just a validation for Lorelais decision to leave. Moral of the episode if you ask me: parents respect you children, it is their live, you just get to guide them for some time. Or: the tragady of vastly different parents and children.

Phillip Grischa

I think Lorelai is a hypocrite, she resented Emily and Richard for trying make decisions for her but then she turns around and pushes Christopher away basically telling him how to live his life. It wasn't selfless, it was selfish because she only considered her own needs, if she didn't want to marry Christopher that's one thing but she basically told him to not bother ... but I admit I never liked Lorelai, she's an entitled, self-centered woman who despite claiming she doesn't need her parents has no problems taking their money when it suits her. In the pilot she acted like it was a huge sacrifice but it's not like Rory was dieing, objectively going to a private school isn't important. Lorelai also has no problem telling Rory she's going to the posh private school wether she likes it or not which is also a very Emily thing to do. Lorelai is pretty elitist even if she doesn't like to admit it, she likes the people in Stars Hollow but does she want Rory to become one of them, spending her life there? No way, Rory is meant for bigger things and Lorelai will invest a lot of her parent's money into ensuring Rory gets the life Lorelai wants.


I think this episode wanted to show that even though Lorelai needed to leave her parents in the past to find her own path, she never intentionally wanted to hurt them. She wants a good relationship with her mother now, she wants to fight for that now, because she sees how hurt she must've been when she left her. Also it showcases imo that Christopher never really understood Lorelai - as you said he was always a pushover. He didn't mind doing things the traditional route to keep the peace, but Lorelai needed her independence so bad, she couldn't live her life like her parents. And even though she doesn't regret her choice to leave back then, she realized the impact it had on her parents and how they in their mind just wanted what's best for her.


I personally really like that you're so hard on Jess -- if people weren't so blinded by the fact that they think he's cute, they'd realize what an ass he is! Keep doing what you're doing :)

Kacey Caldwell

I don't think Lorelai was talking about her and Christopher and the baby going to Europe. I think she meant him, and not wanting him to give up his dreams because she realized that if he did he would come to resent her and the baby. He knew what he wanted at least in the short term (Europe). And she knew what she didnt want. Which was her parents life. If they had done what their parents wanted and what Christopher had given in too, they would have come to resent each other. And Lorelai stayed with her parents for about a year before she couldnt do it anymore.

Kacey Caldwell

I went back looking to see when we last saw Christopher and it was during the fight but in "Take the Deviled Eggs..." Rory is now talking to her dad and they go to Sherry's baby shower. I dont know if they ever mention Lorelai talking to him but it could be just something that we are suppose to figure happened off screen. It has been 4-6 months since the fight happened. Small talk might have happen when he called to talk to Rory,


One of my favorite episodes. Love the flashbacks giving us a bit more glimpse into their relationships. Gilmore Girls is my fave show that you react to. It's my comfort show.


I think the scene with Lorelai saying she didn’t want them to give up Europe was supposed to mirror kind of what sherry was doing. Sherry wants to schedule everything and isn’t accepting the fact that she’s having a baby and that scene on the steps was kind of lorelais moment of denial that everything was changing. And I don’t know that Lorelai necessarily made the wrong decisions in taking a cab or sneaking out and leaving her parents a note. Even though it’s hard and hurtful, I think that was the only way she could take control of her own life. I think the mistake Lorelai made was keeping her parents away for so long after she left.

Mariah Fallon

How does Jess get blamed for everything, casually saying your leaving to give the couple space is a nice thing. Jess didn't make it weird - Luke did.


I feel like you're hard on christopher in this episode since he is trying to mend his mistakes i personally liked him a lot more after seeing him try and with him and Lorelai I don't think you should blame him when he didn't know she was in labour with Rory or i really think like Sherry he would have been there like he was at the end with him and Lorelai looking at baby Rory which shows he came when he found out. i agree chris deserves hate this episode was a turning point for me hating chris much less AS A FATHER he's still not a great person though lol.