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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction, Steven!! I absolutely love the small moments between Killian and Belle, as we see a new friendship developing between them. And I love how they both now have more in common, as they both love someone who is and was a Dark One. We've gotten a little between Killian and Belle in pasts seasons, but they've never really bonded like they've begun to do in this episode, and I really love it. I love how Belle is there for Killian, now that he's struggling with loving Emma so long as she remains the Dark One, just as she did. And I love, love, love how Killian declares how he can spend centuries more trying to save Emma from the Dark One, like he had spent centuries trying to kill the Dark One in the form of Rumplestiltskin. And I love the very end between Dark Swan and Rumplestiltskin from inside her head, as he talks about how Emma must purge herself from those in her life who love her, if she is to succeed in her plans that we're told is to snuff out the light, and that she must pay the price in order to pull the sword from the stone once more. I love this montage with Rumple speaking over it, then seeing the dark look in Emma's eyes upon seeing her determination in what's to come. :) Overall... I enjoy this episode a lot. It's not one of my favorites, but I still really like it. The moments between Emma and Killian are strong, as are the moments for Regina too. I give this episode a 9. Thank you!!

kyra bah

As I understand it the price of saving a life is too take a life in order to maintain balance and everything else is kind of negotiable I guess.