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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Alexis Cardarella

I just realized that Zach asked Seth and Ryan in the beginning of the episode in the school lounge if they “read the new Whedon X-Men.” Pretty cool, I never caught that before. Except Seth seemed to really not like it. So i don’t know if that was a Whedon diss or what.

PamPam and her PamPams

I always think the same about Lindsay's outfit, it was a weird choice to give to her, she doesn't seem like the type to wear this at all. And Peter Gallagher actually sings, he was on Broadway!


I like when you notice the outfits! I love the look on her but you're kinda right. Also I have no clue how people can hate Lindsay.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree about the outfit, we all notice different stuff, i like your honest reactions!


Honestly, I love when you comment on the wardrobe choices. I don't know why anyone would be bothered by that. It's not as if you're disrespectful about it or anything. And yeah, that was Peter Gallagher singing. He actually put out an album around the time of this season.


Completely agree about the outfit. To be honest the whole thing looked like she was in her bra alone with like an open sweater alone.


Omg because she’s the worst 😂 so boring but we all have our own opinions! Lol


Any Buffy fans recognize Zach's mom? She was also Willow's mom on Buffy :-) I only realized because I just re-watched Gingerbread with one of the other reactors.

Leora Nechama

Peter Gallagher (Sandy) has a history on Broadway so that was him His daughter Katherine is currently on broadway.