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Hey ladies and gentlemen, so some have asked if I have a twitter account and I don’t really share it because I don’t tweet much about the stuff that I’m watching on the channel. I don’t have a twitter just for the channel and David does not use twitter.

But if you want to get a vibe for my personality beyond the channel and my reactions in the picture above you can see my twitter handle.

If you are interested you can follow me. If you are not that’s understandable since I mostly retweet and I comment on things that arnt about TV and Movies.




I have been following you for some time ☺️

Zack Meaney

Do u have Instagram


Ha, you were born the same day and year as my sister. Fun!

Marshall Dante Robertson

Okay Steven, your birthday is three days after mine. Libra Nation! 😁


You actually have the SAME birthday as me, just two years after me. Small world.


I thought you're both 30 or under! Followed ✌🏼


Not going to lie - all these reactors that I follow are under 25 and it was starting to trip me out 😝 yay 80s babies!


Aw, cool, we share a birthday. I've got a year on you, though! 😄