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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



(at the risk of being annoying by debating the Jess/Rory/Dean thing again 😅 I mean that's what reactions are for, right? ;) ) That was the episode I started really noticing how controlling Dean was when he was dating Rory...Because the thing is, when Rory told Jess about her and her ex being friends again, he was annoyed (because anyone would be, especially after that same ex threatened him and told him he was gonna try and mess things up) but he wasn't all out angry at "Rory" You were saying, like Dean, that Jess and Rory also used to be friends so now it's just the same with Dean but I see a huge difference in how Dean used to handle the "friendship" thing. He'd get mad at Rory, screamed at her once and would be reeeeally unpleasant to his girlfriend about the whole thing! To the point where she got actually worried at the idea of hanging out with Jess. Jess got in Dean's face about what he thought he was doing in the end, but I really appreciated him not getting mad at Rory for wanting things not to be awkward (besides the initial reaction of "hey, you could have told me about it, no need to hide you know?") (Oh and totally random, but my own grandma (and mother) also tend to walk around my place when they come over 😅 I guess they need to judge on how clean the place is or how I choose to decorate it! It does get intense ahah)


I officially hate you now.. give Jess a break! Yes there were and are still team Jess and team Logan debates.. and guess what i believe almost 80% of the fans are team Jess and so is Jared! I’m so done with Dean .. just leave already


I can't wait to see his reaction to Logan! I'm biased though because I am a Logan fan 100%

PamPam and her PamPams

I love Jess but understand the hate, if I watched this for the first time i'd hate him too. I gotta say in this case I have to defend Jess 100% though. I would be pissed if my new partner was suddenly friends with their ex after being broken up for how long? couple months? Dean almost literally said to him that he will try and get her back, if I was Jess, I would have punched Dean in the face. It's not really Jess' fault that Rory chose him over Dean, Dean should be mad at her for leaving him and not at Jess for existing. The way Dean weasles his way back into her life is not very nice, if you wanna be friends with somebody who is in a relationship, and you're a dick to the person their with, then you're the worse person in the scenario. Cause Dean could also just ignore Jess but decides to be a jerk instead. And especially almost threatening him like this is totally unacceptable and Rory should tell him to back off.


Hahaha, so funny you wouldn't say that when Jess was doing the same thing like a couple of episodes ago when Dean was with Rory!!


Of course Jess is not going to get to annoyed ... because Rory already choose him over Dean. I mean really? Dean was more annoyed before because it was clear that Rory liked Jess more than him.... duh


I agree with all your opinions on Jess. I honestly don’t get the hype when it comes to him. I’ve seen the whole show so I’m just commenting on how I feel about him now which is the same way you do.

Mariella Nilsson

When jess says that he won’t go to the carneval because he now has Rory and doesn’t have to try anymore? And then he onlygoes because Dean Will go? I can’t understandhow that is a boyfriend anyone would want for themselves or their daughter. Love your reactions! No, back then there was no team this or that, that came with social media.


I agree with your takes on Jess and its been great to watch.

Renee Pope-Munro

I think the issue for people with Steve's reaction to Jess is that it lacks nuance, and kind of frames the Rory and Dean relationship like they are at a very adult level of commitment. The amount your wants and emotions shift at this age is so massive, that I find the level of ire towards Jess and Rory for muddling through teenage relationships as all parties involved figure out what they want to be a bit much. Jess has a stank ass attitude, that much is I think indisputable. I think we can go back and forth on the why's of that, but he's also kind to Rory and (if a bit begrudgingly) growing in relationship with Luke, the guy he was forced to live with despite no real connection. Dean on the other hand is a classic Golden Boy. Perfect on paper, social and polite. But he also gaslights Rory, becomes agitated and possessive about behaviours that were not inappropriate whatever subconscious groundwork they may have been laying, and takes pleasure in befriending Rorypost breakup, in large part because he believes he can do to Jess what Jess did to him - except that wasn't Jess' goal. Dean was, for him, irrelevant. The motivation is actually quite different, and I think, kinda skeezy of Dean. Neither of these guys is MY fave partner for Rory (unless it's a later version of Jess maaaaaaybe), but on a scale, I find Dean more objectionable, because his faults are covered in a Nice Guy layer that he seems to think makes him entitled to Rory's affections. Sometimes, feelings change. Often, for Type A perfectionist girls, this is a hard truth to even recognise in oneself - which Rory shows in spades through this whole situation.


Hahaha you are so funny ''gaslighting'' ''...except that wasn't Jess's goal'' hahaha please stop, you're too much hahahaha. Seriously now, I understand that these guys are teenagers and that, sadly, every girl has a somewhat masochistic phase in their teens to have drama by hooking up with bad guys but, come on now. You know there's is one main reason, girl fans like Jess so much. Don't lie now..

Steve Quast

I love Jess, but I also love hearing you rag on what an asshole he is. I think it's great lol.


i'm so sad you didn't enjoy the "HI Mrs. Kim!" I still die every time LOL it reminds me of the sookie "oh hi emily"