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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Renee Pope-Munro

Gettign my unpopular opinion in nice and early. This ending makes sense, was earned, and fits with the long-term arc of these characters. It leaves the show open to continue to explore, whilst leaning deeply on the show's noir roots. I know most fans hate it with a dying passion, but I think it makes perfect, painful sense.


hands down the best episode of the season, and arguably the best season finale since the first season. this finale alone is enough of a reason to give us more veronica mars! its been such a journey rewatching along with you and i can’t believe it’s come to an end already. thank you for the reactions :)

DJ Doena

Aw the ending was awful. The whole mystery plot and the ending was terrible from a narrative point of view. When you think about it, the timeline of what the killer had supposedly done when, then the reveal makes no sense because s/he couldn't have done it. And to predict that after the arrest no one (not the police, not even the Mars') would check the killer's backpack and that it would end up there with these persons in the vicinity could not have been predicted (in a poem no less!) by anyone.

Linda Bykle

This ending is such a slap in the face....so stupid and disrespectfull to the fans who litterally spent their own hard earned money to keep Veronica Mars alive 🤦‍♀️😔

DJ Doena

To me it's the other way around. This episode proved to me that Veronica as a character and Rob Thomas as a writer have not evolved at all. They always go back to the same well, putting Veronica in an endless self-repeating loop of misery. Rob's only idea is "hurt Veronica" and write mysteries that upon closer inspection don't hold up after the reveal.

Marshall Dante Robertson

THIS. Is why Hulu didn't renew Veronica Mars for another season. Because for the first time in our 15 years with these amazing characters, we don't want any more seasons. We're done. Your reaction was spot on and I'm sure there's other who can sum up the anger and frustration of the fanbase more eloquently than I did, but this is one of the many reasons why we hated this season. In addition to Veronica's sloppy characterization (like why is she drinking and doing hard drugs after her mom's ordeal) we barely got to see any of our favorite supporting characters. That also answers your question as to why didn't the actress who played Mac show up for the new season. The creator told her she would have a very small part in the season so out of respect for her character, she decided not to participate. And who could blame her? Rob Thomas has single handedly ruined his entire franchise. At least we'll have the memories. 🤷‍♂️

Nica Marie

Most of what I was going to say has been covered. I'll just say that there are plenty of fans who now refer to themselves as burnt marshmallows. As for the ring Matty pawned, it was the engagement ring the Maloofs and rednecks were fighting over. Remember Vinnie saying he saw her in the news footage picking through the rubble?


it was also an amazing, satisfying and perfect season for the fans who also spent their own hard earned money to keep Veronica Mars alive!


rob thomas's reason for this ending was something along the lines of: if it was a happy ending and the show was picked up for another season, he didnt think it would be as interesting in having a "perfect" marriage for veronica and logan, because the show has always been about her rocky relationships with her lovers. and it woul be too repetitive and boring if he had them break up again for the sake of a sub plot. i completely agree and respect his decision for this ending. it's the best possible ending we could have asked for to keep the veronica mars legacy going.

DJ Doena

" it's the best possible ending we could have asked for to keep the veronica mars legacy going" It rather appears that the show that is mainly carried by its fans, was hit by a huge backlash and Hulu heard the outcry and it seems that there won't be another season. So his decision may effectively have killed the franchise.


Ahh we finally reached this episode and I am angry all over again. Let’s talk about the missed opportunity to write Veronica as a military wife and represent a type of family not often seen on tv. Mixing that aspect along with working as a PI would have been incredibly compelling. I remember when this season was released I rushed home and sat on my couch to marathon the entire season in one go. It was a wild ride and I loved it all so much up until the final moments. It honestly felt like a smack in the face lol It gave me insane anxiety because I was just in disbelief. The way they treated Logan’s death was incredibly disrespectful to him to be honest. A cheap flash forward? No mourning? No funeral? NOTHING?? He deserved WAY more that this crap. The reasoning for his death was equally as ridiculous in my opinion. Rob Thomas saying that portraying a successful marriage in a possible continuation would be “boring” or “uninteresting” just tells me more about his writing ability than anything else. What honestly pissed me off after all this was the follow up interviews from the cast. NO ONE was at Jason Dohring’s final day of filming. Imagine working together with a cast for over a DECADE and after filming your character’s death, not one other fellow cast member was there. ALSO in interviews, Rob Thomas would refer to Logan as a “limb” that needed to be cut off in order to save the “body” HE WAS NOT A FREAKING LIMB. HE DIDN’T NEED TO DIE IN ORDER FOR THE SHOW TO CONTINUE. If anything, majority of fans don’t even want more including me and I was a hardcore marshmallow who supported this show from the beginning. The creator also has a vision for any possible future for this show for Veronica to be completely alone so that mean no dad, no Wallace, no characters from the past at all. Which to me sounds undesirable. Veronica Mars as a show was never just her. It was a blend of Veronica and the people she cares most about. That is when the show really works. Take that element away, and we just have any other detective show. Bit of a fun fact. The reason why Mac wasn’t in this season was because the actress CHOSE not to come back. She felt it was a disservice to the character of Mac to have her be pushed to the side so much just as Wallace was. Honestly power to her for making that choice. Veronica as a character felt a bit off for me in this season. Veronica has a degree in PSYCHOLOGY form Stanford yet she mocks Logan for going to therapy all season? Are you serious? It makes no sense to me that they almost get blown up yet she still decides to get married that same day all whilst completely forgetting the backpack in the car. No bomb squad showed up? Bomb sniffing dogs weren’t there? It just feels so forced and the more I break down that entire day of events, the more it screams lazy detective work from both Veronica and Keith which saddens me. Idk how she won’t blame herself for Logan’s death for the rest of her life. How can she even get into another relationship? I just don’t see it. If this is really the ending, I just want to imagine her with Logan happy. If you read all this then more power to you lol I’ve had so much fun watching this show over again through your untainted eyes. I had a blast reliving the highest moments of this series. I think to feel better, I’ll rewatch your reaction to the season 2 finale ;__;

Amanda Logsdon

Whew i knew this would make you angry as it did myself at first, but it seemed to fit the shows style, so i gave it a pass after several days of fuming and a rewatch of the season.

Jeremy Burch

I wasn't angry at first that Logan died, because I've read and watched a lot of Noir based stories and they almost never have a happy ending. However, i was sad he died and annoyed that he died off camera and that the pizza guy was the one who killed him. I would have preferred he die dramatically in some kind of heroic death on camera like trying to protect the senator or something and then have a funeral afterwards. However i later read many comments by Rob Thomas about his reasons for killing Logan. Then i got angry because i thought they were stupid reasons not related to the fact that the story was Noir. Like somehow Veronica wouldn't be a good detective or an interesting character just because she was married, or that it wouldn't be an interesting story to see her come home to a husband since their are so many stories like that. Which yes their is a lot of stories about male detectives coming home to their wife or girlfriends but not a lot of stories about female detectives coming home to their husbands or boyfriends. I didn't like his reasons for killing Logan or the fact that he didn't seem to think that the other characters or Neptune was important to the story, that only Veronica was important. Yes, she is Veronica Mars the main part of the show, but Keith, Logan, Wallace, Mac, Weevil, Neptune and more are also very important to the show. Anyway after reading his comments, then i was very angry like almost everyone else seemed to be. But i still overall liked this season and after being angry for awhile would still like to see more Veronica Mars.

Alexis Cardarella

As much as it hurts and as much as I disagree with the path Rob took.. his stupid ass reasoning behind it... I wouldn’t have been up in arms, saying personally disparaging things, canceling, even making death threats to Rob like many many fans were. The extent of personal blowback from this episode is what disheartened Rob into halting any designs he had to continue. I was so devastated and so angry with this decision in writing... But I’m even more sad knowing I may have to wait a very long time for more of this brilliant character I’ve loved over the years. To have it end at such an abruptly wounded point in Veronica’s life. I think there was a way to really get through how disgusted we were with his decision to kill Logan without making severely personal attacks. That’s where I’m at with this. Kristen Bell was reported saying after the final season aired and not renewed, that she’d play Veronica well into old age. So I haven’t given up hope yet. But god, the series clearly was intended to be renewed... I’m really sorry, Steven. It has been really nice watching the show with you over the years. 💓


Dude, your reaction was exactly what most of us did, after this. And like most have said up till now, it was not his plan to finish off the show like this. The irony is that this was the ending for this season he chose in order to continue the show. Because as he said in interviews he thought that a happily married PI would not be an interesting character to write about. And that decision was what possibly stopped the continuation of the show. He gambled and he lost. He even said so in an interview afterwards, that if it turns out that this is what kills the show, then i would have screwed myself (or something to that effect). I believe his mistake was thinking that what made Veronica Mars great was the style of the show and its stories rather than the characters. It was the characters of the show that the people loved, and a moody and dark Veronica solving cases by herself, would not be something that the people would want to see.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Sorry, this is a long post, but I have a lot of thoughts: Okay, so I have been trying so hard to keep my mouth shut about this season for weeks. It actually hurt me to see how much you were enjoying it knowing what was coming at the end. And now you know why there is no Season 5 and why it was cancelled again. No one wants any more - the fans are done. In fact, the majority of the fanbase celebrated on Twitter the day it was announced that the show was being put on ‘indefinite hiatus’ - because we couldn't bear the thought of the show being ruined even further. Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell have essentially been in hiding since July 2019. Kristen is now pretending VM never existed and seems to have a ‘no VM questions’ clause in her interviews, while Rob basically stopped using Twitter and eventually deleted his SM accounts a few weeks ago. They both left poor Jason to do all the post-S4 press alone… he looked so sad when he had to sit next to Kristen and Rob at SDCC and hear them say he was a ‘dead limb’ and that VM was the new Game of Thrones (while the rest of the cast were comforting him with knee pats and sympathetic looks), and he was pretty much in tears in a TV Guide video, trying to tell fans it was all going to be okay. He said he was devastated when he found out Logan was going to die - he said he blacked out for 3 days and couldn’t get his head around the decision. I was so invested in this show. I was very active in the fandom for 3.5 years before S4 was released and Logan and Veronica were a massive part of my fandom life… and then S4 happened, and it destroyed everything. It actually devastated me - I cried for 2 days straight after watching it. I couldn’t eat or sleep for a week… I legitimately mourned Logan like he was a real person. His death hurt and upset me (more that Rob would even do it than anything), but it was Rob's post-S4 interviews that really made me mad... and I've been mad ever since. S4 triggered the depression I was hoping it would get me out of and it took 2 months for me to stop feeling constantly on the verge of tears. It took 6 months in total before I felt normal again… and then of course, 2020 happened! I usually avoid spoilers at all costs, but VM S4 has stripped me of ever wanting to remain spoiler-free for a show again (at least in terms of whether it has a happy ending or not) - I wish I had been spoiled and warned before watching S4 because I could have saved myself all of the pain and heartache I’ve experienced over the last 14 months by making an informed choice to never, ever watch it. I will admit that I knew something bad was going to happen, just from the comments from Kristen saying that the season was controversial and she was going to take a break from social media when it was released. However, I expected that Keith would be the one to die, since it made the most narrative sense (I wouldn’t have liked it, but I would have accepted it) - and no one ever thought RT would actually kill Logan! But when I was watching episode 4x02 I did see a comment from a fan saying ‘I am never watching anything Rob Thomas does again’ and that’s when I think I knew, deep down, what was going to happen… I tried to convince myself otherwise, but I couldn’t properly enjoy any of the next 6 episodes because I was filled with dread and nausea throughout. The last thing we needed in times like these, where everyone is turning to comfort shows during quarantine, was Veronica Mars Season 4. Many fans I know have now lost the one thing that gave them hope and comfort and strength in order to get through their hard times, because they cannot even bring themselves to rewatch S1-3 or the movie anymore because it hurts so much (actually, you had just posted your reactions to episodes 1x18 and 1x19 the week S4 came out and I couldn't watch them for several days). This ending was a deliberate decision on Rob Thomas’s part to hurt the fans as much as possible (he has essentially admitted as much). It would appear that he has always hated the so-called ‘fangirl shippers’ and seems to resent having to cater to the fans in the movie… so S4 was his way to undo everything he established in the movie, in order to get rid of all of the loyal, devoted fans and draw in a brand new ‘prestigious’ audience. He also said that: - ‘a 35-year-old female PI with a boyfriend at home is not interesting, sexy or noir’ and ‘I don’t want to write that’ and ‘I need Veronica single going forward’ (which is sexist and misogynistic) - Logan was a ‘dead limb that had to be cut off to save the show’ - he’s been planning to kill Logan since at least 2014 - during the Kickstarter, he actually even threatened to kill Logan in the movie if they didn't reach $3 million - if he’d known this would be the end and no more VM would be made, he would have given Logan/Veronica a happy ending - moving forward, his plans for S5 were Veronica outside of Neptune, solving cases on the road, and being free to sleep around with random guest stars - He wasn’t planning to include any of the regular cast in S5 - so it would have had no Logan (obviously), no Wallace, no Mac, no Weevil, and no Neptune.. but Keith may have had the odd cameo, and he hadn't ruled out the possibility of Leo being a future love interest (even though Veronica has rejected Leo for Logan 3 times over the last 15 years - S1, the second book, and S4) - Basically, he wanted to turn VM into a completely new show along the lines of Sharp Objects or Stumptown… we’ve speculated that he tried to pitch a brand new show, but no network would greenlight it, so he used VM, which he knew he had fan support for, stripping it of everything we loved so he could turn it into that new show On top of all that, the season was just so bad overall… it’s like no thought went into it. It was rushed and sloppily written: - It was not noir at all… the filming style was just like a regular cop show without any of the stylistic choices that actually make something noir - The mystery was filled with plotholes and made no sense - Penn’s reasons for the bombings made no sense (the collar bomb didn't even fit his pattern and I'm not sure exactly how he would have been able to set the final bombs or kill Don when he was in jail at the time) - The final episode timeline made no sense - It was obvious from just the casting announcement back in late 2018 that Patton’s character would be the killer (either him or Clyde anyway) - Veronica was written completely out of character all season (drinking when she hated the idea of ending up like her alcoholic mom, doing drugs with Dick when she was drugged by him at Shelley’s party and raped by his brother, not noticing her dad was struggling, emotionally abusing Logan over his therapy when she has a psych degree, mocking Logan for trying to be a better person when she spent the entire first 3 seasons trying to make him a better person… I could go on) - Veronica didn’t even solve the mystery… it was all the men around her who solved everything - Every episode was so repetitive… same 3 or 4 scenes over and over again (Veronica and Keith at MI, Penn’s meetings, Clyde and Big Dick etc.) - The opening scene of 4x01 where Veronica is at the blonde lady’s house is longer than all of Wallace’s scenes put together - Veronica’s behaviour and personality in S4 is a complete 180 from her personality and behaviour in the movie and books, set just a few years earlier - she had completely lost her 'marshmallow centre' which is what made her likeable… which would have be fine if there had actually been a reason for that (like if she'd experienced some further trauma), and it was explored in the season, but there was nothing

Janeka Rector

I enjoyed the risk this show took. Of course I would prefer Logan to survive it but I also respect Rob Thomas' vision.


I'd love to see your TOP 10 episodes of Veronica Mars! <3


Completely agree 100% with everything you said here. I hope Steven read this lol


Yessss if he had to die, it should have been heroically with time to process and grieve the death. Maybe even make it a part of a future mystery so then fans would DEMAND a season 5 in order to have answers and figure out who killed Logan. His actual death was done so so poorly.

Ray D

I personally didn’t mind the ending. I like Logan as a character and I liked Logan and Veronica in general as a couple but that’s not what I came to the show far. I liked the cases and the fun dialogue. A strong and resilient female lead and just good storytelling in general. I think the season is good. There are butthurt “fans” (some I see in this comment section) that were hardcore LoVe shippers that still haven’t gotten over it and hate Rob Thomas and hate the season. Rob Thomas’s explanation is that he wanted to take the show into a more adult noir direction in season 5. This wasn’t written as a series finale and he had hoped to do more seasons on Hulu. Hulu didn’t cancel the show because they killed Logan or anything like that, apparently they cancelled it because it didn’t meet their expectations as far as total viewers. Those decisions are always made based on money and not storyline. Plenty of fans, myself included would have happily watched a 5th season despite some LoVe shippers claiming they wouldn’t. I think Thomas’s reasons for doing make sense to me. The show used to be about a quirky teen detective but he wanted to show to grow up and be more adult going forward. He believes that Veronica as a character has to be cynical and a happily married Veronica doesn’t work well and that he didn’t want to have Logan and Veronica just break up again. So he gave them a happy ending where they married. But then gave Veronica a tragedy as a jumping off point for the next season. Much like Lily’s death was in season 1. It was a good twist I thought.


I felt like I was the only Marshmallow who wasn't mad about the ending when it came out. I certainly get why everyone was upset, and I adored Logan/Veronica, but I had Logan marked for death from like the beginning of S2 onwards, so I was just surprised he lasted this long, tbh. And I was glad he got his life turned around and got some happiness before it happened. THAT was the unexpected part for me. VM has always been a noir story at heart to me, so a happy ending was never really in the cards, imo. And like Raymond Doria said, this wasn't meant to be a series finale, it was meant to set the stage for another season. Another season I would've gladly watched. Oh well. I actually liked this season more than S2, so it's behind S1 in my rankings. Anyway, I enjoyed this and all your other reactions to this show! It's been a ride. 😄


I really hated the ending. NOT in a "ooh I'm sad but it's so entertaining" way. I agree with your and others' reaction that it was a completely unnecessary cruelty to put Veronica through, after a relentlessly dark season, that didn't move the story forward in any interesting/new way (even if the show had continued). Veronica has been through a lot of dark shit, but there was always still a comic levity and even hopefulness to her and her story, and that element was almost completely absent this season. If they were planning to continue the series, there was so much conflict and fun storytelling they could have gotten out of a Veronica-Logan marriage (intrusion of privacy issues, feeling trapped, whether to have kids, more about her wanting the "bad boy" version of Logan, etc. etc.) - she didn't need to be blissfully happy, but she also didn't need to be completely and utterly alone. And this isn't GOT where you need the shock value of a main character death; keeping a beloved character alive is not "fan service," it's recognizing that you created a amazing character other than the main heroine and it's worth continue to capitalize on that and the talent of the actor. And as a series ender, her driving off "into the sunset" jaded and alone is pretty devastating. It took her like 15 years to marry her soulmate; the ending basically guaranteed that she will not end up in a committed relationship for years, if ever. A feminist hero doesn't have be single to be a badass. ALSO she was a dick to Wallace the entire season and never makes up with Nicole, which means she doesn't have a SINGLE FRIEND in the end. Yeah, not a fan.

Mariella Nilsson

I would love to see a grown up Veronica doing her detective thing! Even if that would be a different show than before! i would also have liked to see her happy with Logan. And I did not see a body, so there is always hope! I loved the show because of all the relashionships and characters who had interwoven lives, so I’m gonna miss Weevil, Wallace and Logan, and Keith.but I understand that it is difficult to keep writing a realistic story with all of them in. i would want to see were life takes Veronica after this! i have really loved seeing your reactions to the show! i would love to rewatch your favourite episode! It might make you feel better after this ending!!


And I say this as someone who actually counts Veronica Mars as my #1 favorite TV show of all time. Seasons 1 & 2 were pure genius.

Mariella Nilsson

I agree the characters and relashionships and how they developed alongside the mysteries was what made the show special! I also understand that it would have ben difficult to keep writing them, thogheter as grownups without making the show into a soap.

Mariella Nilsson

i don’t know if you Will watch a new show now that Veronica mars sadly is over, but if you haven’t seen freeks and geeks that would be a good choice, very god and only one season, so it is not many episodes.


I'm not someone who demands a happy ending, or who would be outraged by Logan getting killed off ipso facto. Many elements of this ending could have worked for me, in theory. The reason it's such a terrible ending IMO is that it reverses the most interesting character development of season 4. My read of most of season 4 as I was watching it was that they had very cleverly flipped the Veronica-Logan dynamic on its head. In the early seasons, we love Veronica because she's a precocious, cynical, spunky kid, forced to grow up too fast, always the smartest and quickest in the room. She's the adult, because she's been forced to be. Her ability to persevere is seen as strength. And Logan is the dysfunctional boyfriend, who lashes out, who hasn't figured out how to deal with his family and personal traumas yet. And they have a very angsty, teenagery, dysfunctional relationship. (Which was very well done!) In season 4, this gets all flipped, and logically so. As an adult, Veronica still has not grown. She's walled herself off from other people. Healthy skepticism has hardened into unhealthy cynicism. Meanwhile, Logan has moved forward. He's gone into the military, he's developed discipline and maturity, he's seeing a therapist. He's trying to move forward, whereas she isn't. She even tries to draw out the old dysfunctional Logan, because she misses that unhealthy relationship dynamic. She enjoys that, whereas Logan feels like it's a step backwards. He's the healthy one, and she's the dysfunctional one. The very qualities which we found admirable in a teenage character are incredibly sad in one in her mid-30s, who still hasn't moved past her teenage attitude. And it undermines her relationships throughout the season. Logan calls her out on it. Nothing about season 4 Veronica screams "strength" to me, it screams "weakness" or "arrested development". And then, at the very end, Logan gets killed for shock value, and to clear to board for a rebooted season 5, and delivers a posthumous voicemail where he calls Veronica the strongest person he knows because of all those qualities which have been causing her, and him, troubles the entire season. It's just such a total 180 for me. I didn't need a happily ever after, or even a wedding. But they were doing some very interesting things with Veronica and Logan in this season, and then they just wiped them all out at the very end to set up the board for the show that Rob Thomas was more interested in making. Frankly, if they'd just skipped season 4 and jumped straight to that show, I might have been interested. But this whiplash-inducing finale was just god awful.


wouldn't that be crazy, if Logan had to fake his death and go into hiding or undercover or something? #plottwist That is if they ever choose to continue the show. I thought the different mature and darker direction made a lot of sense for ADULT Veronica Mars(in terms of the show's mood and in terms of Veronica's character), but I was very upset about Logan's death. Even though I understand the creative decision behind it, I don't think it was necessary. Veronica does not have to be single and lose the love of her life to be an interesting character, there was always plenty of drama in LoVe relationship. And if Rob really needed to give her (another) tragedy to transition VM into the new show, Keith dying would have made a lot of sense and the same effect. I mean, I wouldn't be happy about it, but I would be a little less angry.

Leora Nechama

So I didn't know how I felt at first. I don't hate the choice to kill Logan as much as I loved his character. Veronica has always been this sarcastic somewhat broken character. As much as I wanted a happy ending I don't know if it would fit the show. Logan was trying to change and Veronica was pulling him back. This way he was happy and we didn't need to see her mess with his healing more. I don't think we would have seen her in a therapist's office any other way. Logan wanted a family, and I don't think Veronica would have changed her mind on having kids.