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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



One of my favourite episodes of the show. A+ from top to bottom. Seasons 3 and 4 are some of the best on television. Chris and Ben are incredible additions to the show, they round our the cast so well. You should watch the intro at least once.


Stop pooping! 💩💩💩


Nobody misses Mark Brendana-quits

Ted Cali

Easy ten for me. There is not one wasted second in this episode. It is kind of frustrating in that regard, though. Like, hello, show, where the hell have you been this whole time?

Ray D

This episode is an all time classic for me. Just incredible. Some of the best and funniest gags are in this one, “stop pooping”, “I typed in your symptoms and it says you might have connectivity issues (a line that Chris Pratt adlibed), “you had me at meat tornado”. Just sooo good. It’s probably one of my top favorite episodes of any sitcom. Season 3 is just classic after classic. No bad episodes. Getting rid of mark was addition by subtraction and then to add two great characters in Ben and Chris just bumps everything up a notch.


"Stop. Pooping." always makes me cry laughing. Every. Time.