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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

This show gets my blood-pumping! Love every time you upload Prison Break :)

Dr. Foppo

Maybe it's just me but I actually don't like how "dramatic" Sarah's reaction was to Kellerman. If Kellerman wanted Sarah dead, she'd be dead. Because he would have just killed her when he was ordered to. But he didn't. He struggled with the idea of killing her and gave her every chance he possibly could to not have to kill her. He literally got agry as fuck at her stubbornness - almost like getting mad at her for forcing him to do something he didn't want to do. He tried to circumvent direct orders from The Company as much as he could - certainly more than for example Mahone did regarding Tweener, for example. The Company aren't the kind of people you can disobey. And, I think this goes missing sometimes, Kellerman never wanted to work for or get involved with The Company. He was Vice President Reynold's right hand man. And SHE involved the company - which he was very mad about. And furthermore: Sarah did more harm to him than he did to her. One of the most unrealistic things in the entire show is how quickly Kellerman got up after Sarah burned him with the flat iron. That kind of burn can kill you. You would lose consciousness from the pain alone but more importantly the severe tissue damage is insane. You would go into shock and your entire body would shut down with how it would react to such a burn. High fever would immediately kick in, in addition to extreme dehydration (not just "I didn't drink enough water"-dehydration but actual physical dehydration) and many other severe symptoms. If it was real life, Kellerman would have either died or would have been out for pretty much the entire season. Kinda weird how she overreacted considering it was just: "Well, he was ordered to kill me, didn't kill me, then I almost killed him and now I'm acting like he's Hitler" The only reason Sarah is alive is because Kellerman got to her - and not another Company agent (like for example the blond guy Mahone killed). "Not personal, Paul" haha. That's....not funny, it's petty, Like, what's the point she's trying to make. Killing Sarah, indeed, would not have been personal for Paul. It was personal for him trying not to kill her. She's just throwing a tantrum. Adding a one liner just makes it even more petulant