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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Way back in The Eleventh Hour when Amy joined the Doctor, he said to her: “Amy Pond, there’s something you’d better understand. It’s important, and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!” I think this episode was that day.

Dani C

:) so glad you enjoyed this one. It is definitely nice to see a sense of consequence and an understanding on the Doctor's part of the risks he is exposing his companions to.


Don't forget that in a way, Rory is as about as old as the Doctor and in some ways, possibly more healthy emotionally. My friend once said that he loved how the space prison didn't know what to do with Rory and kept showing him the door. I remember thinking how weird it ways that Rory didn't have any belief system. He didn't have faith in the Doctor or even in Amy but see both as "they are." So does that mean he doesn't believe in Amy's love for him? That he knows he loves her but that their love might not be something to depend on?

Jason Usher

great reaction, this is a 10 for me, The Doctor realizing how much danger he is putting Amy & Rory in and that he brings companions not just because he is lonely but because he likes being admired is such a great storyline for this one, also loved and hated that the cowardly Gibbis was the only one who lived, would have loved to see Rita travel with the Doctor she is one of my favorite one off characters


Why do I keep forgetting exactly how awesome this episode is.

Thomas Gabriel White

Amy put her faith in the Doctor to protect her, and the Doctor made her give up on him. Amy also mentioned that the Doctor also believed in something. His faith was the same as Amy's, he believed that he was smart enough to get them out of any situation. He gave up on that belief at the same time Amy did, and the creature died because it lost it's final 2 sources of food. It is also why the Doctor left them. I think Amy regained her faith in the Doctor after the creature was defeated, because the Doctor did save her, the Doctor did not regain his faith in himself.


I really enjoyed this episode, it gets me thinking a lot about how the Doctor's mind might work. I think Amy's fear was just waiting. Waiting and waiting and nothing ever happening. I thought the Doctor's fear might be, going off the sound of the Tardis coming from his room, its him being alone.. I'd always thought, after seeing that final scene with the sound of the Tardis and he turns around.. and he is utterly alone. And then it just fades to black, none of the other episodes really do that. I think the Doctor has a faith that others will believe in him and have faith in him, effectively cutting off the food supply for Amy and himself in one go, he hadn't started praising yet but I am sure that the Minotaur was beginning to feed off it.