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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Kevin M.

Better get'em in Steven! Countdown to Sept 21 is on #ZeroDay lol. Thank you for reacting to one of the best television ever produced. Like Chris said in previous thread there are 18 left so we do hope you're able to secure a second source :)


Yey, thank you so much for the extra POI. I personally love this episode. Although I find Harper a little conceded, I really liked the way she settles that standoff. So for me this episode is a 9 mainly because the scenes between Finch and Root always make me a little teary eyed and that overshadows most bad things this episode has done (which is not much in my opinion).


I totally agree with your assessment. Harper bugs me too. She might be the only repeat character on this show that I’m just like “ugh whatever.”