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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Really liked your reaction to this episode. Everytime T-Bag is on screen your reaction gets me chuckling. "I hate that motherfucker, yo!" Yes T-Bag is easy to hate but damn what a villain he is. The actor is great


Love your reaction. I was a little confused, I thought you were disappointed that Bellick's storyline was ending, and when you found out that the story continued, you were also disappointed. I am really glad you're liking Mahone better, this was the moment a lot of fans start to have some sympathy for him. C-Note (Ben) was desperate to be with his family, I can't say he's smart but I always got where he's coming from, so I guess I am also a little disappointed that you don't have more sympathy for his situation (because he's got screwed from everyone in his life up to Fox River, and he is a good guy, a soldier who followed orders) he is a lot like Michael, trying to beat a system that screwed him. T-Bag had some great one liners, I really hope you grow to ''love to hate him'' which I believe a lot of fans did at this point, because I really think he's a good ''bad guy''.


T-Bag is horrible, i get chills everytime hes on screen 🤢 the actor is really good though

Amanda Winner

I can't stand Bill Kim either. Michael always like to be in control or the smartest guy in the room so that's a downfall of him sometimes.