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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Didn't realize the guy who directed this episode is one of the showrunners/Executive Producers for Supernatural

john segun doe

When whitneys got hurt I believe whitney started slacking on his school work and was depressed and such, even lost motivation which led him to losing his scholarship. idk if they will talk about that tho

DJ Doena

Whitney's afraid he's becoming a "Remember him?" a fear which he expressed in the pilot, too. Basically he doesn't want his high school football career be the highlight of his life. Whitney works at the store because of his dad's heart condition which we learned of in Shimmer. That's why he can't train and concentrate on school and that lost him the scholarship.

Ryan Pulliam

Lex is definitely a great character. This show has a ten year run, so you will start to see new ideas and directions as the shows progresses.

Sonia Deepak

Glad that you're enjoying Smallville! It is really fun even though it's an "old" show. IMO good shows stand the test of time.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Lana had a realization of 'partnering' with Lex... realizing that it may come back to bite her in the asa. Luther's are not known for being trust worthy. So, in my personal opinion, THIS is where the show starts to really get good... let the adventure begin. BTW! FUN FACTS: A. The character of Lana Lang was played by Annette O'Tool, aka momma Martha Kent, in the Christopher Reeves days. B. John Schneider, aka papa Johnathan Kent, played in the Dukes Or Hazard (recomend watching some of that show... it's a kickker). C. (My favorite character in all of SMALLVILLE is Clhoe) However, she was never a character in the original ideas... SMALLVILLE, is where she was created and thus becoming the most loved character of the series. Pete Ross on the other had was a SuperBoy character that I'm glad they decided to use in the show... not my favorite like Clhoe, but for sure in my top 10 fave characters.


Someone notice Evangeline Lily from LOST kissing that guy ???