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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




The bomb is probably so that it can't be traced back to her. She wants to destroy the building at first and then kill Chloe, but doesn't want Lucifer to know it was her because he obviously would be mad. You're right. She did go after Dan because Linda didn't talk. Dan gave her nothing, but he was attractive so she decided to sleep with him. I need more Maze and Amenadiel together lol. Not in a relationship, but just in more scenes together. This episode was just to dig deeper into Lucifer's definition of "home," which he brought up at the end of the last episode. Even the title "homewrecker" has multiple meanings. Yes, that's what Lucifer called that one guy who photoshopped those pictures, but his mom is also a "homewrecker." LA, Lux, and Chloe were all identified as Lucifer's "home" and his mom tried/is trying to ruin them.