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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction!! I give this episode an 8. I really enjoy all of Robin Hood's story both in the past storylines and in the present day storyline as well. And I like that Zelena is back too. But I don't necessarily care much for Zelena having been disguised as Marian this whole time. It makes for a fun twist that I didn't see coming, but there's more to come between Robin and Zelena that I'm not really too big a fan of.


Lol, yes! The reveal was exciting! At least for me :) but I get your perspective. We’re closing in on the season! Can’t wait :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

An interesting detail about Jennifer Morrison... the actress suffers from severe migraines and has for many years. But during the filming of this Queens of Darkness arc, Jennifer really suffered from them a lot more for whatever reasons were for her migraines worsening. This is why she looks so ill, or red eyed throughout her scenes since this arc has begun, especially in this episode in particular. And strangely enough... her looking so ill actually works, because you can really see the anger towards her parents in Emma's eyes, as well as the potential for darkness beginning to come out. So, her illness... as tragic as it is because I certainly feel terrible for her that she suffered so much from her migraines, actually works in her favor to help bring out the look of darkness and anger within her face and her expressions.


I definitely agree that the retcon on Zelena being alive doesn’t make sense. But I love Zelena and was glad to see her back at the time. Also, the four leaf clover thing was meant to just “cleverly” explain why it was a different actor playing him the first time we met rob. Rumple didn’t recognize him as robin of locksly because he had a different face and everyone called him by a different name. Robin Hood. It was a little sloppy of an explanation. But I thought it was nice that they found a way to reference that it was a different actor before.


They actually talk about his sister in the spinoff (one of the only things they bring up from Will's amazing story) and the whole heart thing for him is kind of a big part of his character...he doesn't handle heartache well.


Yeah, I hate the Zelena/Marian retcon. It makes no sense, and so many people gloss over it. People really liked Zelena, though (for some reason, I've never been a fan) so they decided to bring her back.


I liked Zelena, but I didn`t want them to bring her back. I don`t see the point.


I don't mind the twist. It may be lazy writing but tbh, i love Zelena so I'm just happy to see her return

Fly on the Wall

I’m not sure how you could classify that as lazy. Possibly cheap, though. If it was an episode later, maybe, but this was almost a full season after her death and they laid all the seeds for this twist from the moment of her death. From the way she transported to the necklace and activated the time portal, to the unnecessary reason for them even bring Marion back to a few breadcrumbs throughout Marian’s return that show something was off. Including this episode where she didn’t know what she said to Robin in their past when Robin asked. It also explains why she mysteriously came down with the frozen curse again that forced Robin to leave when he chose to be with Regina. Brilliant twist for me. I also can’t see how anyone can be mad at the execution of that scene. It was flawless. Zelena's performance in that hospital room puts every other villain’s this season to shame. She has a presence and gravitas so few others have had and her chemistry with Rumple is electric. What a well done scene with the flashbacks showing how it was done and Zelena reveling in Rumple’s misery. When she’s describing how she plans to steal Regina’s happiness, one word: wicked.

Fly on the Wall

I don’t even see it as lazy. Maybe cheap, but not lazy. They explained everything quite well. And who can hate her being back when that was the deliciously wicked scene we got from it?

Fly on the Wall

We all definitely have our own opinions on what we enjoy, but I’d definitely list those hospital scenes between Zelena and Rumple as the best thus far in the season. At the very least in top 3. So I hope it doesn’t lower your opinion too much of this episode you said you were already enjoying up to that point.

Fly on the Wall

The last comment I’ll say is we didn’t care too much about the Snow Queen, nor did we like the Queens of Darkness so the writers listened and brought back a villain most fans seemed to like and maybe you didn’t care too much about her, but I seem to remember you giving her arc an 8 and I never once heard you say you were uninterested when watching her scenes like you did during both Snow Queen and the Queens of Darkness’s arcs and scenes. I understand the idea of the payoff of Beal’s murder being avenged being undone, but I feel her presence as a captivating villain was sorely needed so we can overlook that and hopefully you do give it a chance. This is two-years-old, so I should say did give it a chance.