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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Dani C

Ohhhhhh! Well now - I was just looking atthe clock thinking it's not so far off 10PM, Ive had a very tiring week, and waking up in the morning is hard maybe I should get an early night. Then my hand acted without my authority and clicked on patreon .... there goes my early night :P


I have watched this episode more times than I can count, and this is the first time I realized that River mentions it's her birthday in the beginning, which is a big hint to what comes later in the episode...


I have always been a bigger fan of Rory than Amy, as well. "Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many." Awesome line. Love it. The bassinet was the Doctor's. He read the prayer leaf that was lying inside. Showing the Gallifreyan, the circles, was because that's what Amy and Rory assumed she was talking about. Melody=Song, Pond=River. The people from the Gamma Forest don't have a word for "pond" because "the only water in the forest is the river". This season has, in my opinion, the best music of the entire series. I love it, and this is an amazing episode. Thanks, Stephen. Looking forward to the next one!

Dani C

The girl from the Gamma Forest was there to meet the Doctor - she had encountered him as a little girl, and joined up with the Clerics in order to meet him - because for the people of the Gamma Forest he is a legendary warrior, so the battlefield is where she needs to go to find him. But she isnt a believer in their mission to kill him, hence warning them at the end and making Amy the prayer leaf.


One of the things I love in this episode is River saying, “...the only water in the forest is the river”. The woman who was the tardis said this too and that it didn’t make sense but that it would. So many awesome callbacks and such a great reaction!!


I think when the doctor realizes who River is, he’s looking INSIDE the cradle. I think the little piece of cloth that has her name on it is sitting inside of it and it’s just Amy who is looking at the writing on the outside of the cradle. The whole writing on the outside always confused me, too, but I wouldn’t read into it. I think this is the moment River actually gets her name.


I like Rory better too.


yes this is my favorite episode. yes the young girl we saw regenerate was a young River. When they are talking about the baby they say that Amy daughter has timelord DNA . They conceived her in the Tardis as it was traveling time plus they were also experimenting on her on Demons run. I love the name reveal too Pond=River Melody= Song. River song.

Jason Usher

Great reaction, this is a 10 for sure for me, the amazing Stephen Moffat twist at the end and Rory being a bonafide badass, and the Doctors amazing words, “Good Men don’t need rules, todays not the day to find out why I have so many” and his angry Colonel Runaway speech just brilliant, and Lorna sewed the Named of Melody Song in that and it was River Song because where she is from River is the only water and Song is for melody, she was just a big part of the story because she became a soldier to meet the Doctor again because The Doctor means warrior in her homeland, and the cradle was The Doctors and then (probably for his kids) Rivers and her name was written in Galafreyan(the circles are the language of Galifrey)


There is a key minisode, "The Battle of Demons Run - Two Days Later", that comes after this episode that prevents a plot hole next season. (It was actually filmed much later, but fits in the timeline here.)


I honestly like Rory more than Amy. especially after that badass opening, "Would you like me to repeat the question?" that was the moment he became my favorite male companion. We don't see ever adventure the Doctor goes on, so the girl is just someone who met him on an off-screen adventure. It's a way to show how he can influence those he meets whether it's positive or negative. Apparently Captain Jack was supposed to make a cameo in this episode, but John Barrowman had a conflict in scheduling. Arthur Darvill is in Legends of Tomorrow. "Good men don't need rules, today is not the day to find out why I have so many" This my friend is why Eleven in my favorite. Ten was so good and is so close to being tied with him (same with Twelve), but Eleven has this hidden rage. He may be quirky and clumsy, but you can see the old man hidden underneath. You see the battle-worn and bitter man who has finally moved on from the guilt about what happened to his people and tries his best to forget, but the rage is still there. He is the oncoming storm and in some scenes, it just shakes you to your core...but then in others he's the rainbow shining with the clearing sky. I just really really love him. And Matt Smith needs to be in more stuff because he is such an amazing actor. (Okay, I'm done gushing about my love for him)

Marissa Brady

This was such an amazing episode. I loved the river song reveal. Matt and Alex have such great chemistry! I just love Rory to bits. He made the Amy seasons much more enjoyable to watch in my opinion. Not that I didn't like Amy, I just liked Rory more. Arthur Darvill is such a great actor. I really enjoyed him in Legends of Tomorrow also. Matt Smith is such an incredible actor and a terrific Doctor. I enjoyed him much more than David Tennant. Can't wait for the next episode!

Daniel R

CRAZY episode!! Ugh the reveal at the end broke me when I first saw this, I kinda had a suspicion but when it was revealed I almost fell out of my chair haha


Great last minute shout, even if it was a throw away guess. I'd say I was about 70-80% sure on the likelihood of her identity at the end of episode 2 of series 6 during the alley scene. I got more, then less, then more sure as the series went on. lol I thought the clues might turn out to be red herrings. I've seen only one reactor it get sooner. They wrote it down at the moment Roy goes to seen River in prison. Great episode, love it!

Sufyaan Kazi

Oh my, so you made it Steven, to you man Moffats' masterpiece, I hope you realise how awesome this fan club is, you like many other reactors were not spoiled. Like you, I think this episode is a 9. For me, on first watch, I loved seeing the intricate puzzle come together, but it did still make my head hurt a bit. Btw, it's still not safe to Google or search for River Pond.


I think so, or maybe because if she's part Timelord then she could probably also read Gallifreyan writing on the doctor's crib.