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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Loved this episode. I enjoy seeing the council but even more I loved Buffy basically telling the council "screw you, you work for me, not the other way around". I like Buffy taking Joyce and Dawn to Spike. But at the same time it's not really "you're the only one strong enough to protect them", rather it's "you're the only one who can hold off Glory long enough for them to get away". Spike is expendable as far as Buffy is concerned.


Buffy knows she can't beat Glory head to head. The reason she goes to Spike is because she figures that next to her, Spike is the only other person strong enough to at least buy some time to hopefully protect her family. It's not a perfect plan but it's literally all she has to work with at the moment. She can't leave them at home and she can't take Dawn with her to meet the council. So she takes them to a place where they'll be hidden with at least some kind of protection (no matter how inadequate) while she goes to try and get some info on Glory.

Calvin Allen

The professor that belittled her was another example of someone threatened by her and trying to take away her power. Same with Spike in the graveyard.

Karissa Edie

One thing to keep in mind about the test in helpless- a week later in the Zeppo the hellmouth opened and the gang barely closed it. If Buffy had died during that test, there is a good chance the world would have ended a week later.

Karissa Edie

I feel conflicted about Glory. She kind of annoys me sometimes, but I appreciate a villain who is stronger than Buffy, and I buy it with her more than when they tried to make Adam seem like an unstoppable badass.


That speech is easily one of my Top 5 favorite moments of this show. This is such great episode. I love it how pretty much every confrontation Buffy has with anyone in the episode is driving home that theme of people putting her down, trying to undercut her power, and then at the end, she takes it all back. I also feel like this is the season of Buffy becoming an adult, and if we were to narrow it down, this is the pivotal moment of that happening. Quentin belittles her in the beginning, saying she's "dealing with grown-ups now." The end was her basically saying, "ok, now so are you." The reason I love Glory so much as a villain is that menacing quality that seemingly comes out of nowhere when she wants it to. She's so casual about it most of the time, and then there are moments like when she showed up at the house (which literally made me jump the first time I watched it, lol) where she reminds us, "oh yeah, she can kill you in an instant and barely give it a thought." And I find her affinity for shopping and material stuff to be an amusing take on a god living among us, tbh. I was impressed that you called Glory being a god literally after the first episode we met her, btw. I mean, by the time we got to this episode it was pretty damn obvious, but on her very first episode? Nicely done. :)


i agree with you about glory. i don't love her as much as most of the fanbase does but i do think she has her moments.


yeah the council is really stuck here and have nothing because if Buffy dies they still won't get a new Slayer, Faith would have to die in order for a new slayer to be called, since that part of magic passed to her.

Phoenix Dawn

I didn't like her much in my first run through, but I quite like her now. Though, again, not as much as most people who hold this season to be the best one. I am a classicist when it comes to my favourite seasons which is 2 and 3 tied for me. P.S. Of course, Glory, is 100 x better than Adam...I think anything and everything would be better than Adam anyhow.


The writers have some visible contempt for Spike. This was early fanboard times and the fans loved Spike. Wheddon is punishing his fans by making him so creepy.

Phoenix Dawn

Whedon never intended or wanted any of the vampires to be relatable or likable. They were meant to be evil demons.

Valencia Lanier

What does the Council do? Be assholes, well not all of them. Train potential Slayers. Most of them can be found before hand, like Kendra, but some like Buffy aren’t found until they’re chosen. And sadly Slayers don’t usually last long and every Slayer has a different Watcher. So Watchers have to be trained. Also they research all the time, they study magic and mystical events, occurrences, etc. They actually do have a lot of power (money, research, contacts, etc). While the Slayer line doesn’t run through Buffy anymore they don’t necessarily need to be concerned with Buffy but Faith is the only other Slayer and has chosen to try to be responsible for her crimes and redeem herself by putting herself in prison. So unless Faith dies they have no Slayer. All that said, Buffy is the best Slayer. The Council sucks and needs to be overhauled to treat their Slayers better among a lot of other things. Buffy took Joyce and Dawn to Spike to attempt to hide them from Glory and try to keep Dawn away from the Council (let’s be real, if the Council found out Dawn was this key they’d try to use her for their own purposes cause they’re mostly assholes). He actually is the only one strong enough outside of Buffy too attempt to take on Glory. Attempt is the key word. Anyone else would die faster or have the ability to get maimed. As long as he doesn’t get staked, Spike can keep trying to fight Glory off. It’s not a win-win situation but what other option does Buffy has now that Glory has decided to started killing if she doesn’t get the Key.

Ray D

I really love Buffy’s speech at the end. So bad ass. Also, there is nothing wrong with liking Xander. I like Xander. He makes mistakes and can be kind of a typical 20 year old guy but he has a good heart. I think his mistakes are what make him human

Vicky N

Love this episode. Such a palate cleanser after the las twos. That speech was epic. A lot of very funny moments alternating with tenses one. As other have already explained it makes sense that she brings Dawn and her mother to Spike. Also there’s no reason why Glory and her minions would suspect that a vampire slayer would work with one. I agree with you that it was improbable for the watchers council to interrogate Spike, but the scene was too funny so I forgive the writers.

Nica Marie

Anyone else notice that the female watcher is the same actress who played the Russian bride in Veronica Mars ep Ruskie Business?

Allan Cornett

I just saw your comment on how you don't understand why any hardcore Buffy fan wouldn't watch Angel. I never understood it either. Without Angel the Buffy saga is incomplete and fans who don't watch Angel are doing a disservice to Buffy.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

Well Angel with a soul was kind of boring on Buffy. You really only get to know and like him on his own show.

Dani Dekay

I watched it bc of that, because you kinda have to, but I still never came to like Angel. Honestly his series made me hate him more 😂