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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



messiah waite

where’s the hairrrrr😱😱😱


I think Quentin didn't wanna look into the possibility of Sara being alive bc he tortured himself for years, became an alcoholic, wrecked his marriage and nearly ruined his relationship with Laurel bc he was so hurt. And going down that path again, opening up that specific wound again is very painful for him and so he was hesitant.


Oliver isn’t flawed because he makes mistakes; he makes mistakes – the same ones over and over – because he’s flawed. What is his flaw? I would say it’s his obsession which leads him into believing the ends justifies the means. Oliver is like his choice of weapons: he’s an arrow aimed at a target, so focused on the bull’s eye that his peripheral vision is compromised.


The fact that Oliver is just human like the rest of us, is flawed and makes many mistakes is one of the reasons why Arrow is one of my favourite shows. I can see why Detective Lance hesitated when it came to the possibility that Sara isn't actually dead because it sounds too good to be true, there only seems to be a picture to go on and her dying almost destroyed him.

Jason Usher

great reaction, i love this episode