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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



About the exchange for the plane information with fake nitrogen, he was almost caught retrieving real nitrogen from some public garden couple of episodes ago, and about Sucre knowing about the place in the desert, Michael mentioned him a website where they can communicate and they showed Sucre remembering about that in previous episodes.


That’s what he was doing there, I didn’t know what he was doing there. I couldn’t remember


Did I ask how Sucre knew? Didn’t even remember. I just figured Michael told him the same way he told Lincoln


I thought thats what you meant when you said you didnt know what he was doing there. And about what he was doing there, i think his plan is to cross the border by any means necessary and then to go to the spot he said he would wait for maricruz.

Johnathan Guiza

Nah Sucre was handed the note about bolshoi booze whenever they were buying the two cars and separated. The website wasn't used at this point, unless I'm mistaken.

Johnathan Guiza

And yes, Michael was trying to get the real drug with the flower in the garden, but we know how that went.


As everyone else pointed out. Michael was storing the real nitroglycerin in the Blanding botanical gardens when he almost got caught a few episodes ago. Pretty much the only thing to mention as you seemed to follow what was happening much better this episode. Of course it was just plain intense. 3 protagonists were in danger this time around. (Sara w/ Kellerman, Mike against the Cartel guys, and Lincoln, LJ, Aldo almost getting killed by the Company double agent). Its a damn shame you're not digging the conspiracy, cause I'd hate to tell ya that's what the main story is about and how far up it will go. I know this show seems grounded. At least it was season 1 cause people looked at it more like Oz rather than looking at it like 24. Hope you enjoy the season more, next two episodes are pretty damn intense if you thought these were

Daniel R

Now you're beginning to understand the love for Mahone :)