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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Victoria (red head woman) is Allison's mom. She's an intense woman in the show, but so nice in person. Still, she didn't have to cut her arm like that lol. Jackson is so in over his head. He's trying to put up an aggressive front, but as soon as he comes across someone more aggressive, he deflates. The scene with Erica and Derek has always been creepy. A lot of his creepy comes from his history with Kate and the unresolved trauma there. Also, I wonder if they (director/showrunners/etc) saw how creepy that was and decided to just leave it as is since it was a parallel to Derek and Kate back when Derek was around that age. (That's the explanation I'm giving it lol). Scott's stronger than Isaac and Erica (can't speak on Boyd because he didn't fight), but Scott's an athlete and has fought as a werewolf before so he has the upper-hand there whereas Isaac and Erica were a lot weaker less than a week ago so they have no fighting skills. Plus, they're very new so they have very little control training under their belts. Derek's a born wolf who accepts his wolf-side so he has that natural instinct to rely on while Scott is constantly fighting his wolfy-ness so he has to try harder. Plus, he's an Alpha and Alpha's are naturally stronger. Their attacks hurt more and take longer to heal. Now, Derek has 3 betas so their power is his power so to speak. The bigger the pack, the stronger, faster, etc the pack, especially the Alpha, are. Plus, Derek's family was a bigger pack so he definitely knew how to keep up. Scott had no chance against Derek. I love the mystery around both Jackson and Lydia. They just keep giving us bits and pieces in the perfect way. The vet's name is Deaton. This show has quite a few characters that are in and out and they only say their name a couple of times so it's okay to forget some The next episode is one of my favorites of the season so I can't wait for you to watch!

Staton Chapman

Great reaction. I actually don't blame erika isaac or boyd for taking the bite. If my life was crappy like theirs I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm shocked boyd is a loner tho. He looks like a jock

Lea Connor

And once again Lydia is perfect at something, ice skating this time.


Never got a creepy vibe with Derek I kinda saw it as a he’s broken like truly broken cause that’s what happens when you family all die in a fire by the one you love. Then to make it worse your uncle kills the last remains of family. Erica Boyd and Issac are all in a way broken. Building a pack is kinda like building a family over again I don’t know My mom and I always saw it as a wolf like bonding thing lol but we view them as animal- like so maybe were wrong lol. Poor stiles I always feel so bad for him with Lydia something always happens 😹


I know I’m so late to watch this but for the Derick/Erica thing, it’s not supposed to be creepy. As adults, yes Derek being older seducing a young is creepy. But from Erica’s side, she is socially crippled by her epilepsy and her lack of self confidence and this hot guys is rubbing up on you and telling you he can make things better, you gonna join him faster in his pack without that much convincing. Don’t even know if your gonna read that but that’s my take on it.