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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rob Flynn

Oh, nice, wasn't expecting this tonight. Woo! Happy weekend!

Rob Flynn

I think it's kind of like how Magneto can fly... he doesn't really have the ability to fly, but he can kind of move himself around, even in the air. Sylar can move things with his mind and his body is a thing, so in theory he should be able to float himself around. It's not real flying but it's effectively flying... or... carefully throwing himself.


Eden's ability was actually to make people do whatever she told them ;) I also think what made Sylar get close without making any sound was him propelling himself with his telekinesis (the way he did to get close to Peter really fast in Homecoming, right before they fell together). Speaking of Peter, I also thought he came out really angry in this scene, but the way I see it, he's under a LOT of stress right now xD he's dreamed that he was gonna blow up the city, has just managed to escape people that scared his teacher to the point of leaving (which means now, he thinks there's no way he won't explode) and he finds out that Isaac betrayed him because he's jealous of his relationship with Simone! That's a lot already! Add to that the fact that Peter always is the guy that gives and takes for the sake of others, he never gets anything in return and now that he thought someone genuinely loved him and wanted him, he gets betrayed :/ (the painting AND what he saw on the roof between Simone and Isaac really rubbed him the wrong way 😅) He lost it! (Last little thing, this comment is getting long ahah, Claude had the tracker in his neck, but the reason his mark is messed up is because he took it out! (At least that's what I understood from it) Bennet thought he died, remember? He found him again only because Isaac found out Peter had gained invisibility (so Claude must've been alive) and he had been hanging out on the Devault building's roof (as seen in the paintings, so they went and checked it out)) Hope that clears things up a little :D


Eden = power of persuasion The Haitian = blocking powers and memory tampering


The stuff with Hiro and Ando is super meh I agree, but the rest of the episode I really enjoy. It's an 8 for me. I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes. Btw Steven, have you made the connection between Claude (the invisible guy) and the 9th Doctor? His accent totally gives it away.


And I'm not sure about the time jump, but Janice probably found out/told Matt about the pregnancy around between 4-8 weeks (doesn't show at all), and now that she's showing she's probably 12-14 weeks pregnant.

Calvin Allen

I'm so glad you guys finally met Hana. She is my favorite character and I know you are going to love her too

Fly on the Wall

I didn't really enjoy the Ando side plot either, but it did serve a point. It split him and Hiro up.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Seriously...? I don't believe you said a word about Christopher Eccleston since he popped up in this show, even after seeing his name pop up after Stan Lee 🤔 Either that or I've missed something🤷‍♀️