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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Roy! 🥰


I don’t think Diggle’s situation is comparable to Oliver’s. Dating your dead brother’s widow isn’t morally wrong, but it might be a bad idea going from seeing your sister-in-law as a sister to seeing her as a romantic interest. A lot depends on the maturity of those involved and their understanding of how the deceased would have felt about them getting together. Oliver and Laurel wanting to resume their relationship after he cheated on her with her sister and played a part in her death is much more problematic. It’s further complicated by Tommy’s interest in Laurel. I think these boundaries should be respected. A bigger issue for me is that I don’t think Oliver is entitled to a love life with anyone if he has to keep his identity as a vigilante a secret from her. If only there were a beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman who knows Oliver’s secret and supports his crusade! That’s who Oliver should pursue, if you ask me. Right or wrong, these are the kinds of conflict that make for intriguing stories. David, as you point out, Oliver’s flaws make him a more interesting and relatable hero. The concept of the flawed hero is as old as Greek tragedy. There is a difference between drama and melodrama. In drama, the flaws inevitably lead to a decisive moment usually with tragic consequences. In melodrama, the resolution is dragged out, the conflict is played out over and over again with no end in sight. Is Arrow drama or melodrama? My answer based on these first 15 episodes is that it’s a bit of both. Whether or not Oliver is able to confront his own flaws remains to be seen.


It's a CW show so there's always going to be an element of romance which I'm not against as it can't be all action, high speed chases etc all of the time but it's difficult when it seems to be a different girl every other episode because you do get to the point where you don't expect them to last and it doesn't help if you aren't a fan of the chemistry, though I thought Oliver & Makenna had more chemistry than Oliver & Laurel. I had no problem with Dig and Carly because I assumed quite some time had passed since his brother had died, it would've felt more inappropriate if it was a recent loss. I don't think it's comparable to Oliver and Laurel personally but then my issue is the cheating rather than the fact Sara is dead.

DJ Doena

The man playing Dodger is James Callis. Your brother knows him under the name Gaius Baltar. You can ask him about him. ;-)