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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Your reactions to the rest of the series is going to be amazing, you're probably gonna get hate from the Skyler fans down the line but hey man, it's your honest reactions lol

Daniel R

I will say it makes Skyler look worse when you realize she brought the baby over to Ted's house to just hang out somewhere while she did "what she had to do" to hurt Walt.


As bad as Skyler is sometimes in her decision making. Can we please not forget Walt has been responsible for countless deaths in the name of saving his lie? Who cares if he's "trying so hard". Because of what he's done, and that's just what she knows about, she can't possibly know that she's not in danger. The Salamanca twins were in their house to kill him at one point. Now what would've happened if Skler and the kids were there too? Walt is just very good at justifying his actions. Sign of a great actor there lol

Nathalie 9090

I don't understand!!!! Walt can do all the horrible things he's done thus far, but if Skylar decides to have an affair, she took it too far???? And you can say, he did it for his family... he had other effing options to provide for his family, that wouldn't have torn it apart. He chose his pride over his family