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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love this episode but the Americanisms being spoken by Fitz and Simmons bothered me. Second Grade doesn't exist in Scotland, where Fitz is from. "Math" is called "maths" in the UK. It's a slight nitpick I admit, but I don't like how they have to speak "American" for the US audience when it somewhat alienates the UK one.


Also "that thing" that Fury hands Coulson is the same gun he used to knock away Loki after he stabbed him in The Avengers, hence his line "I know what it does." In reference to both "I don't even know what it does" to "So that's what it does" just before he 'dies'.

Dani C

thats an awfully spoilerish comment.


In a way I understand what you mean but I also think it ties into how long their characters have been in the states. Despite living in the north for most of my kid years, I’ve still unknowingly picked up some mannerisms and changes of phrase (pretty quickly) once I moved to the south.

Dani C

@DougRaw - your reply was deleted but came up in my email notifications. Maybe you're right - I might be a bit over cautious with spoilers. One of the other reactors I watch got spoiled on some big stuff recently, and it wasn't that someone posted specifics, just a few very vague hints from a few people added up to her deducing what was aout to happen. My apologies.


No need for apologies, just don't want people seeing the 'deleted' and assume I was dropping a big reveal trying to ruin reactions and such. And yeah I get you, that's never fun.