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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




You are correct, It is season then the Christmas Special it is much better laid out on HBOMax


Katherine Jenkins is a real singer and that was really her


No this episode was really cool and in Omaha Ne it snowed Christmas night when this episode ended. I get it, the Companion of "Doctor Who" is our way into the series, they are supposed to interact in a way that draws us in. Amy has the opposite effect for you, she takes you out of moments. Not everything is for everyone, but you are distracted by her character. I get it, once you find a balance with Amy (that is the shows job to remedy). Amy is your "Adam" character from the first season of NuWho or better yet "The Annoying One", there's a high pitch sound when they are on screen and it takes you out of the moment. I get it, it makes complete sense why you had issues with series 5.


Glad you enjoyed this special. I agree that it was really good. Not as good as some other specials but still really good. It's okay if Series 5 didn't click with you. I feel the same way about Amy too. Opinions will always vary wildly with Doctor Who. You'll either grow to love, hate or be indifferent to many episodes and eras of this show.


Just in case, the order: Special: A christmas carol Season 6 1-13 Special: The doctor, the widow and the wardrobe Season 7 1-5 Special:The snowman Season 7 6-13 Special: The day of the doctor Special: The time of the doctor

Idun V

Old Kazran is played by the same actor that played the second Dumbledore.


Good list, but you missed out all the minisodes. Here's a revised list (sorry if some of the titles are a bit spoilery, there's no around that). Some are good, some not. Some are more important than others (I've flagged the ones I think are key). Some may be difficult to find. Special: A Christmas Carol Minisode: Space + Minisode: Time Minisode: Prequel to The Imposible Astronaut Season 6 1-2 Minisode: Prequel to The Curse Of The Black Spot Season 6 3 Minisode: Bad Night Season 6 4 Minisode: Good Night Season 6 5-6 * Minisode: Brain Trafficing (Prequel) Season 6 7 * Minisode: The Battle Of Demons Run: Two Days Later Minisode: Prequel to Let's Kill Hitler Season 6 8-9 Minisode: First Night Minisode: Last Night Season 6 10-11 Minisode: Up All Night Season 6 12 Minisode: Prequel to The Wedding Of River Song Season 6 13 Minisode: Death Is The Only Answer Minisode: Prequel to The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe Special: The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe Minisode: Good As Gold * Minisode: Pond Life * Minisode: Dreamworld (Prequel) Season 7 1-2 Minisode: Prequel to A Town Called Mercy Season 7 3-4 Minisode: The Inforarium Season 7 5 Minisode: P.S. * Minisode: The Great Detective * Minisode: Vastra Investigates Special: The Snowmen Minisode: Rain Gods * Minisode: Prequel to The Bells Of Saint John Season 7 6-9 * Minisode: Clara And The TARDIS Season 7 10-12 Minisode: She Said, He Said Minisode: Clarence And The Whispermen Minisode: Strax Field Report Season 7 13 * Minisode: The Night Of The Doctor * Minisode: The Last Day Special: The Day Of The Doctor Special: The Time Of The Doctor

Dani C

Please, please, please start pausing the video when you want to look something up, deal with whatever notification has come up on your phone, or make an extended point about the scene. I'm 9 minutes into the show and you've looked at the screen for probably less than 3 minutes altogether. There is so much visual texture and world building that goes on in the first few minutes of the episode and you were catching fragments at best. I'm not saying I disliked your reaction (I havent watched most of it yet :P) but this particular aspect of your reactions is so frustrating. You miss so many emotional or comedic beats by doing this. It's always frustrating, but with Moffatt as the show runner it is ever more so, because he does a lot of his storytelling through those visual cues. Anyway - had to get that off my chest - now back to the reaction :)

Ghost Mom

Yes; about the costumes at the beginning. It is mentioned that Amy and Rory were in the honeymoon suite and considering we left off after their wedding in the last episode it is heavily implied they were up to sexy times. So Amy was in her sexy cop outfit and she has a thing for Romans so she got Rory to put a Roman outfit back on for sexy roleplaying. As for t he illness the girl has, I can understand your want to know what it is but I don't think it's needed for the narrative. We know she's dying and it's implied it's an incurable disease, I think that's all we need to know. In a way it was smart for her to offer herself up as collateral to acquire a loan for her family, she gets frozen and preserved and her family gets to be less destitute. As for the *rules* regarding timetravel. a consistent and ongoing theme regarding the doctor and the rules is that they don't apply to him. The show loves to break it's own rules if it means better exploring a theme or narrative. I agree when a show breaks it's own rules it's super annoying and sometimes unforgivable but Doctor Who gets away with it because it's near in essence to that of the Doctor. He flies around int he box outside of everyone else's rules so why not break his own on occasion. The story is better for it in this case at least, and definitely rates up there as one of my more memorable Matt Smith episodes.

Ghost Mom

I'd like to add to this. I became a patron at the beginning of June purely for person of interest and decided to make the most of it by getting into some of your other series now that I'm caught up. In that time it's become clear to me that you have a busy life ontop of the very busy recording schedule you keep so I understand why you tend not to pause things while tending to said distractions but I do feel it's a tad inconsiderate to your patrons. If we're here to enjoy an hour of you reacting to something but you miss a detail because you were on your phone then point out how you didn't understand something, it can be grating. For example if I'm watching a show or movie with a friend and they pick up their phone to respond to a text, I'm going to be annoyed but I'm not going to say anything, we're both sharing one another time, but for you it's different because for a lot of us we're paying you money to experience it with you. It's just a criticism I wanted to add to the above and is by no means an attack. I quite enjoy your content, you have a lot of it, you're fun to watch and you're also one of the more open minded reactors out there, which is nice for me, being one of the LGBT community, I ve found I don't really have to worry about you having an uncomfortable take on stuff and I like that, but I hope the criticism can be taken to heart in a positive way, I certainly understand time management is a pain and it can be tough especially when unexpected distractions get in the way. <3

Dani C

Sexy cop Amy and Rory the centurian in the honeymoon suite - oh yeah, sexxy time. Or 'shenanigans' as you put it :) Setting my quibble over time spent being distracted to one side: overall, that was a fun reaction. I would put this in my top 3 Christmas episodes for sure. I love the twisty time travel story, and that description of Christmas and the Winter Solstice as people coming together and celebrating that we are 'half way out of the dark' is pure poetry.

Ari is my Cat

Amazon is a mess when it comes to putting the series and specials together, HBOMAX managed to put it all together in the right order.

Casey Mead

Any has always been my least favourite

Casey Mead

I love this episode though always been one of of my favourites

Jason Usher

Amy and Rory were on the ship in the honeymoon suite, they were dressed up for roleplay, Rory even said "oh the costumes, um they're just for fun" at the beginning of the episode

Tammy L. Faulkner

Your not alone dude... I NEVER care for AMY'S character. Lived Rory from day one, but Amy... the ideas were good for the show, I just really didnt like the way Amy was from the start. She has her moments of being cool but for the most part I just saw her as an over the top unimportant skanky rude little shit. I mean come on... the way she treated Rory from the start. Yes, it got better, but she was written terribly. I love Karen, as an actress shes great, they just did the character a little dirty. Amy, Martha and Rose are @ the bottom of my list. Rory, Donna and... someone else is @ the top. Everyone else is just in the middle... yes, that includes Jack. BTW... plan on watching Torchwood? It's a spinoff after all. It's like the Angel of the Buffyverse in my opinion.