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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation





“I WAS TEENNNN!!” LOVE Mary Margaret😭 also, just so your aware, this isn’t the actual ending of this arch, this counts as episode 10, so the next episode, (11) would actually be the halfway point of the season, truly ending the arch. I can understand why you don’t really like this arch, but it definitely had its parts for me. I really enjoyed this episode, I really like seeing Regina playing as the Evil Queen in the present storyline because she is insane!! Regina is so petty!! “You said you could keep a secret!” LMAOO I actually also love that after the Snow Queen’s curse, Regina, David and Snow can literally laugh about all of this because they have come so far. Also, I know you love the show and respect your opinions, I am here to watch your reaction, not to judge your opinions :) can’t wait for more reactions!! especially some more Once Upon a Time in Wonderland!! P.S. i don’t want to sound naggy with the episode numbers just want to inform you :) shattered sight is episode 10, the next episode is 11 truly ending the arch. anyways! can’t wait for you next reaction!!


Timeline: Boston 1982: Ingrid is in Boston. Emma is not yet born, meaning Storybrooke doesn’t exist yet. 1999: Ingrid fills out paper work to adopt Emma. 2001: Ingrid uses the Apprentice’s Scroll to get to Storybrooke, as we know she didn’t come to Storybrooke through a curse. November 2011: (events happening during S1) Emma finds Ingrid’s ice cream shop. Ingrid takes away her memories. Currently, it’s about 2013 in the show’s timeline (before Frozen is released, explaining why nobody knows who Elsa and Anna are. they should know who they are because it was a popular movie when released!!) I also find it weird that Emma looks so young in the flashback for 1999, but 2 years later in 2001, she is seen much older with Neal in the first flashback of S3E22 and she’s only 2 years older. hope this helps! also, if i’m wrong about anything here, please reply!!! i want to be correct and this is just my understanding.


I love the concept of this arc, it just wasn't written well. It's like you said, OUAT was on ABC which is owned by Disney, so it felt like Disney just wanted to market Frozen even more and so rushed them to write them on the show. I personally really like the idea and I liked them adding the original Snow Queen story, but I felt like they needed time on the script. Like if they had done in a later season where they could have thought things through a bit better, it could have been a great arc. The casting was the highlight for me though. Even though the script was mediocre, they do know how to cast good actors.


My mother and her sister were 21 years apart in age.


My oldest and youngest sister are 20 years apart.

Sarah Benedict

I mentioned it previously, but not sure you saw it. This is episode 10. Smash the Mirror is all one episode (#8), Fall is 4x09, Shattered Sight is 4x10, and the midseason finale is Heroes and Villains, episode 4x11. This is what the producers have said and is the only way that 5x11 is episode 100 - an intentional "100th episode" special-ish 42minutes.

Sarah Benedict

I understand, it's different from what the idiots at Netflix show you, but the production numbers are what they are.


I miss Heidi’s comments.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much! That means the world to me. And I am so sorry that I can't continue to write out my thoughts. If you would like me to send them to you through email, I would be happy to do so. :)


oh man imagine seeking this was the midseason finale. you ain't seen nothing yet.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Whoever pushed, complained, and bullied Heidi about her comments, shame on you. Have to hold myself back from saying what I actually want to say, just to maintain a level of civility. She has just as much of a right to comment about these reactions as you do. No one should be bullied into staying quiet :P Boo you.

Tyler Mckenzie

My mom is 30 years younger than her sister