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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Ayyyy. I love how Season 6 continues to introduce things that expand the lore. Now we have Alphas :) can't wait to watch as the season continues to build the season-long story.


i mean, most weird plotlines just come from the "fans". everytime the writers tried to do something different (not better or worse, just different), there would be a shitstorm and they´d have to back-track. the tv audience really just wanted them to do season one over and over ^^ (this is about the whole: what was the point with her thing you talked about near the end)

Tyrence Purnell

The come when you can to me is f you not killing monsters then come back and be with us. Its not like they hunt monsters 24/7. Also to me its similar to being in the military. Our deployments can be long and it does take a toll on the family. Not all spouses are cut out for it but some make it work with the person being gone alot. And if push comes to shove im sure dean would take a break and just be there for a couple of months if she is feeling fed up.


Dean couldn't just walk out on them after the first episode dude. Really makes him look like an asshole. Plus, the point to him not leaving the first time was how they showed Dean cares for them and wants to be there to protect them. She had to outright tell him to leave for them to try this other option. "Come when you can" would work like the person above explained "military deployment" style. After all Dean and Sam do have moments where they go take in a rock concert or just chill hustling pool. That's when Dean would be back for example. Not everything is pointless. Little things sprinkled in here and there are what eventually build into character growth. You also have to understand Lisa was never a long term thing, especially after they continued the series. The fans ain't gonna watch if it isn't Sam/Dean all the time. It's true, I loved Season 6, even moreso now as a grown up. But alot of the fanbase didnt like it because it doesn't "feel" like the other seasons. Even though that's a fallacy, so many examples point to this being closer to Season 1 than Season 4-5. The Alphas and their lore is dope. You'll like that.


You Supernatural tier is asking for $10.00 when I already paid $5.00 for it

Valencia Lanier

Sam is acting weird. He has no empathy or sympathy whatever. Sam would be the main one worried about the baby. This is where Cassie would be good. She is a reporter. At least she could let Dean and Sam know about weird things that happen. She has official access to news sources and etc. And I only liked the quiet cousin and now he’s dead.


There is a vocal part of the fandom that doesn’t want the boys to have girlfriends, plus the core of the show...and what people want to see...is Dean and Sam hunting together. So yes, that unfortunately made for the Dean/Lisa ‘falling in love’ time to have occurred in between seasons. For many, since you didn’t see it happen, it doesn’t feel real. I understand that and while I don’t see them as soulmates, there is love there. Dean says he wants to stay and be there with them, and she understands that he also wants to be with his brother, hunting. She understands that and let’s him be who he is rather than try to change or trap him. Ultimate form of love and trust. Fine, this character development (or lack thereof) is abrupt, but the love she gives him and he shares in return, is something he has never had and so deserves.

Helen Wood

Dean and Lisa don't work as a couple, because Dean is looking for a normal life and Lisa is looking for a father figure for her son. They like each other, but don't love each other. However, Lisa's suggestion is the only way a relationship with a civilian could work and I suspect it seems odd to you because you don't understand how women think. Most of us would, for the right man, make that kind of suggestion rather than lose him altogether. Personally, I would ask him to teach me to hunt, but she has a child to protect. Lisa is a lovely person and she means well, but Dean can never truly be happy with someone who isn't part of hunting.


Yeah I don't know why the thing with her saying to come when you can is so weird. Like others have said for me as soon as she said it I thought of it like people in the military. He has to go on active duty and then comes back on leave basically. For me it wasn't even something I thought twice about it just made sense. They also didn't do it last episode so they could have at least an ep of him trying but seeing that it can't work with him staying but also not have it drag on for a long time and they could get back to them on the road hunting. They never meant her to be a main cast member all the time she is a guest star or recurring character.