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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



messiah waite

Can someone tell me what he says in the youtube intro because it sounds a little like “whatsupsyabrosandstevenson”

Daniel R

"jabronis" from The Rock, he's a wrestling fan, it's what The Rock used to call people

Valencia Lanier

They told Elena what the plan was because the last time they didn’t, she found out anyway and came to see what was happening. This time she’d probably do it again, see how she was planning to run straight into the tomb when she found out about Stefan. Dumb because Katherine who has recently fed is in there and stronger than Stefan. Jeremy is a mess. I do believe he wanted to save Bonnie but he also wants to be involved so bad. I’m not sure which he really wants more to be honest. He’s also stupidly reckless and wants to prove he’s some kind of badass. It’s very annoying. Elena is also very naive to think that if she gives herself up to Klaus that her friends and family would still be safe. Does she think they will just go back their normal lives and not try to take down the man that kills her? I mean family of non supernatural murders seek justice or vengeance. Why does she think they wouldn’t be the same? I’m not sure if Bonnie knows what channeling Lucas for this spell would do to him. He did a harmless little wind spell when he taught her to channel but she did the spell that killed her Grams and didn’t tell him. That wasn’t right for Bonnie to do. Especially since she’s new to channeling. What if she had accidentally killed him? Poor Tyler. That Wolf transformation looks terrifying.

Amanda Winner

Drive said "processing". I didn't like that Bonnie channeled Luca against his will.

Janeka Rector

And yes Steven, the ‘magical black person’ trope seems to be is a thing here.

Janeka Rector

Fun fact: Bryton James, who plays Luka, won his second Emmy last weekend for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series for his work on The Young and the Restless.


Lol I just realized that Caroline opened the tomb on her own (last episode) but it took both of them to move it.


I was having a real trippy moment with the first half of the episode. I couldn't tell if I had somehow recently watched a different reactor watch episodes from ahead in this season and I had forgotten, or what was going on. Every time you said something about "who is this, a vampire? He better not be an Original" and "Maybe it's a witch", or anything about Lucas' dad it made me think maybe they hadn't introduced those characters yet and this was the first time we were seeing him. Threw me for a loop. Anyway, as much as I enjoy how they handled getting Stefan stuck in there, it really just makes me angry at how dumb Damon tossing the stone in there in the first place was. Not even a hindsight thing, the moment he did that it seemed idiotic. An item she went to great lengths to get, even if you don't know it's purpose, no logical person would get rid of it like that. It was purely done for writing this episode and that kind of bothers me.


While it's entirely possible that they had him put it in there for this purpose there is also a plausible explanation. The witch had spelled the stone in some way because when she handed it to Katherine it somehow 'drained' her and made her pass out. Maybe Damon left it with her in order to transport and toss Katherine in the cell without her waking up and killing him. But yeah lol it is definitely contrived.