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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




I absolutely love the way they set the whole thing up making it seem like David aka "Tweener" ratted the boys out. I was beyond upset that Mahone killed him. I've never liked Mahone at all, but a lot of people do which confuses me too. David was in a very sh*tty situation to begin with. He went to jail over a BASEBALL CARD, and now he's dead. I don't know why he didn't ask for a better deal either, I would want full immunity too. Also, I'm very interested in LJ's story right now. I don't know if I agree with Lincoln on leaving. Like you said, what are you going to do? How can he not see it's a trap? But, then if I were in his position, I would want to go get my son too. It's a complicated situation and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Lastly, I don't care for Haywire either.


I was a big fan of Tweener. It was a bit of a shock when he was killed off but like you I kind of saw it coming when Mahone drove him out into the middle of nowhere and stopped the car. The big twist that he went to that girl's house and not the actual house, I loved that. It kinda let us see that deep down Tweener wasn't really a bad guy. He was an 18 year old kid who fell for a girl he just met and wanted to tell her the truth about how he felt. Which was really sweet and obviously made it clear he was about to die. I do like this episode a lot, but there was a lot of different things going on in this episode going between a bunch of different stories which made it a little disjointed. At least with Tweener's story wrapped up a bit they have one less thing to focus on.

Amanda Winner

David's story is so tragic. I do like Mahone although he's a bad guy (but aren't they all, really?) however I can see how you wouldn't. Also, I think you have a problem with the convenience of him solving stuff rather than him solving it fast. The way he puts clues together makes sense however it's the clue (convenience) that he finds that is directly related to whatever situation the boys are in that matches up too timely (eg. Rip E Chance when they were digging the grave). Linc does know that it could be a trap that's why Mike said to be careful but it's his son, so he has to; LJ has no one else. Drive worked

Daniel R

I get where you're coming from Steven but I have nothing but fond memories of Season 2 with tons of moments that have yet to happen. The story continues to twist and turn, I feel like you're just gonna have to just go along for the ride since you still seem to struggle with the story this season. It's odd since it's almost universally agreed upon that Seasons 1 and 2 are top tier, with 3 being the "bad egg" but you might actually 3 more than the majority so that'll be interesting to see when you get there.

Brad turner

Yo pour one out for David aka "Tweener". An 18 year old who risked it all for the first girl who was nice to him. This show shows not a lot of people are save. Mahone is an ass for what he did. But people can like a character even though they are not a good person.


tweener going to 'ol girl's house was a sweet moment, but also puts her in a shitty spot because now the cops will think that she helped him escape. kind of crappy of him to put her in that spot after she helped him. also, i agree with you about mahone. at least when he was just trying to catch the escapees...while we didn't want him to do it, we understood those motives. he was an agent just doing his job. now that we know he's dirty, there's no reason to root for him or like him at all.

Dr. Foppo

Mahone obviously seems dirty at this point. But did that look to you like someone who is "dirty" out of his own free will for, like, personal/financial gain? Not really. Bellick was fucking dirty. He was a greedy asshole who played dirty for personal profit and was a pig that abused his legitimised power. This situation seems more like "they" (obv. the Company) is holding something over him and forcing him to do things. He could barely hold it together after killing Tweener. He absolutely hated doing that. Which would kinda suggest that he didn't really have any other option/have any say in the matter. We've seen the company tell the US Vice President how to vote on political matters, kill the US President, fake the murder of the VP's brother....I don't think you have much choice when they tell you to off someone. Do you honestly believe Tweener lives, if Mahone doesn't kill him right there? Of course not. If Mahone doesn't kill him, the Company just sends someone else to kill both Tweener and Mahone. The Company wanted Tweener dead. That means Tweener was dead the second he got caught. And as everyone has commented already: absolutely don't get how Mahone quickly solving things is an issue. He's a FBI specialist for these kind of cases for a reason and everything that he has solved was explained - was based on evidence/clearly displayed trains of thought. Like...if him solving things quickly makes you dislike him you'd kinda have to hate Michael. Because he's come up with the most random solutions on the fly - without any explanations as to how he came to those solutions or how he implemented them/pulled them off - plenty of times. In that sense, Michael makes even less sense. Much less - considering Mahone is actually applying his craft: figuring things out on man hunts is literally his job - which he was professionally trained to do. Meanwhile Michael is a structural engineer just winging it. Kinda weird....


I never liked the FBI agent he just annoyed me a lot and then he killed one of my favorite characters I was so upset

Leonard Atkins jr

tweener was a good character i wonder where his character would have gone if he didnt get written off because he was drunk driving and killed someone