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Howdy ladies and gents, This is Steven. So its the end of the month and I wanted to let you know of some changes that are being made to the shows I am reacting to moving forward. Just want to be transparent and let you know in case this changes your mind on sticking around next month. 

So as you know I have a lot of shows on my plate and some shows only get reactions like 2 times a month. The reason those shows were picked up was because I owed the shows to Patreon supporters who requested them. I wanted to do the shows because I didn't want to feel like I was not doing what was requested of me. 

Now currently we are doing a few shows that are a bit similar in tone or subject matter that I feel I need to give more attention too to fully enjoy the series at its full potential. 

Dexter & Hannibal are both very dark shows that to me occupy a similar field. I want to make sure that I give both shows the attention they deserve and not short change them. So what will be happening is that I will be focusing on Dexter and getting through that a bit quicker. I want to finish that show and after move onto Hannibal. So Hannibal will be the show that replaces Dexter. My goal will be to do a couple extra episodes of Dexter a month so that we could finish it and then transition into Hannibal. 

Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse are in a similar boat as the previous two shows. So What I will be doing is focusing on Battlestar and after transitioning into The Expanse. For similar reasons as I stated above I want to give focus to both shows and not shortchange them. Similar to Dexter I will be trying to do a few extra episodes a month and after transition into The Expanse. 

A will also be looking to get Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, and Person of Interest back to more episodes a month the way we were doing it before. 

As for Smallville, Suits, House, and Hawaii 5-0, those will continue to be shows that we will do once every two weeks unless I have free time for more.

Anyone that has requested any show I stated above and is still in the request tier you can move down because this will be how things will be until we start finishing shows off. 

I also want to try and get on top of some of the Pilot episodes that have been requested.

I hope all of this makes sense. If you have questions leave them in the comments or send me a DM. 


Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Thanks for keeping us updated Seven 😊 Yey for future Hannibal episodes and more Once etc. You have such a great line up of shows reaction wise. Buffy being my fav of course 😇🥰 x

Thomas Stark

Yeah thanks for the info. Just wondering is Scrubs still safe in the couple times a month category?

Calvin Allen

Glad you're not giving up on Galactica


Great plans!


Sounds like a great plan!! Can’t wait! :)❤️

Janeka Rector

Thanks for being so considerate in letting us know and in making a schedule that works better for you, and therefore gives us better reactions!

Sonia Deepak

Thanks for letting us know, it means a lot! I just joined as Patreon when I saw you were doing Hannibal and Smallville (albeit for the pilot program). Now I'm going to stick around because I know you'll eventually get to the shows I love and I enjoy your reactions anyways ❤️. Thank you for being so professional in your commitment to putting out content, it's super impressive. Also I'm a New Yorker too so remember to take care of yourselves during this craziness.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

More episodes of Once Upon a Time and Person of Interest in a week is fantastic!!! I am so excited and happy that you will be reacting to it more often like you were able to do before, with at least two to maybe three episodes a week!!! Thank you very, very much!!! Out of curiosity... will you and your brother continue to watch Lucifer at the same pace as you're doing now too? Thank you so much, Steven!!! I'm so happy and so grateful to you for all that you do for us!!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Scarlett Monrow

I think it's a good idea to lower number of show for reactions. So many different plots, character developments and time frames gets confusing.

Ghost Mom

This is good to hear. I personally believe a more dedicated focus on less shows allows you to better pay attention to the ones you are watching and recall more clearly what's been happening. It also means that you will get through shows quicker which will allow you to move on to other shows. I may also be biased, I became a patron because of your Person of Interest reactions so I'm happy to see we'll get more of that. More battlestar Galactica will be cool too. thanks for keeping us updated, I'll be sticking around next month.

Linda Sanchez

I don’t mean to get off topic of this post but is there any Particular reason it’s been a couple of weeks for “Veronica Mars”?

Zach Faulkner

Hey Steven, Thanks for the updates, one of the shows I have been binging lately on here is The O.C. I noticed that it was not mentioned in this post, I was just curious if you were going to keep going beyond Season 1 and if so what type of upload schedule that show will be expecting?! Thank you for all the great content! I love watching all of you and your brothers reactions to the various shows!


This makes sense. It's a bit unfortunate because the shows that are being put on hold are generally the ones I like... Hopefully it means more of them later on.

Aiyana Taylor

The only question I have is about Gilmore girls. How will that work in this new schedule?

Ted Cali

Absolutely fair enough, and I’m in it for the long haul. That being said... you’re kind of in the “shit” part of Dexter, so it is a little disappointing that we need to wait for you to complete that death march before we get to Hannibal. Honestly a split might be better, for all parties involved. I mean, I don’t think I’m breaking any hearts when I say that the last few seasons of Dexter aren’t the best way to spend an hour.


Because of everything its a bit harder for me and him to record together as much but we will keep trying to record the show as much as we can.


Didn't see anything about tvd is that on hold?

Stephanie Bedworth

This is probably a good thing. I always did feel like you were spreading yourself too thin.


Is anything happening with the OC? Are you not doing anymore reactions?


Thanks for the heads up Steven, really appreciate it. Can’t wait for you to really get into Hannibal it is criminally underrated!!


Yey, more Person of Interest. Love it. And Dexter.


I watch a few shows from you but I’m really looking forward to you getting back to The Expanse! It’s one of my favorites and I think that it’ll be good if your able to focus on it later on because it really is a show that’s all about the details.


Was still waiting on dead links to be fixed, kinda given up on that happening at this point. I recall enjoying battlestar but definitely think expanse is far superior


Sounds great! What about TVD? Do you know if that’s safe or will it be moved to a couple a month?


Thanks for the update, Steven. Definitely excited for more frequent Battlestar reactions! Sad there will be more of a wait for Hannibal, but it will be worth it. :)


If Hannibal will be replacing Dexter when you're done, will it still be a $10 tier?

john segun doe

I honestly feel you stretch yourself out super thin. Why not just do like 5 shows at a time that way there is more reactions of the same content and we could finish them faster instead of dragging them on

john segun doe

also where is The vampire diaries in all of this


If I didn't mention the show nothing is changing with that show.


What is the current schedule for tvd?


Its your personal opinion that you formed based on watching the show until the end and now you should let him do the same. And I doubt the show will ever become so "shit" that he will outright quit it without finishing it. While i agree the later season are not as good there are still good plots and moments that are worth watching for and i am excited to see the reactions to it. To each this own.


i mean its a catch22. im sure a lot of people are here for 1 or 2 shows and i think of all the reactors ive seen these 2 cover a much larger range and upload a ton of videos but at the same time if youre here for say the expanse you might get 1 episode a month if youre lucky. Cutting back and trying to focus on specific shows to clear them off the watch list would be great but then that no matter which shows get put on hiatus to finish off some series theres a bunch of people who will feel like they are getting shafted. There were enough shows i liked to keep me going for a while but going through the back catalog trying to catch up on stuff i missed then ran into a bunch of dead links. I was starting a list of all the dead links but then the dropbox issue happened resulting in more dead links and it just seemed like a lost cause. Also a catch 22 due to the time it would take for him to go back and check all the 1000+ videos or whatever vs recording new stuff which the active subs are more interested in. This mans got some serious self control though I dunno how you can watch a cliff hanger episode and then wait a week to watch the conclusion like it was live TV lol.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with somsone asking what is going on with a show that wasn't mentioned when they are a paying customer. Quit trying to kiss ass


I too wish to bring up shows that you did not discuss, give you my opinion on your life and choices and then make this all about me. Thanks for the updates, I prefer you watch "insert show" and you did not talk about "insert show" so what is going on with "insert show"? Finally.......What about me? Thank you for all that you try to do, understand no matter what you do it will never please everyone, so remember to enjoy the ride as much as you possibly can. I know you wish to make this as easy as you can for all of us, but the reason we are here is/should be to watch your journey through this. So enjoy your journey through this as much as you can, you only get one time to watch these shows for the first time. Geronimo!!!!!!!


So excited for you to continue Hannibal. That show is amazing. It will probably take a while still but i an here when he start it again. I loved your reaction for the first 3 episodes