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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




I'll be honest, I stopped liking Dean the moment he got mad at Rory for not saying "I love you" when he did, and my dislike just snowballed from there. I find him possessive and hot-tempered, and also one of those types whose every "good guy" moment comes with an unspoken string of entitlement attached. Definitely hints of the "nice guy" trope in there, I think. But I've dated a guy like that, so maybe I'm just extra-sensitive to it, idk. His fondness for outdated "traditional" gender roles in a relationship is also a bit of a red flag to me. That's a future angry, controlling husband if ever I've seen one. I get why he clearly seems like the best guy here compared to Jess, and yeah, if that's our only other option then I'd agree, but I still find him to be far from "ideal partner" material. A lot of his general expectations and insecurities remind me of why I also don't like Riley from Buffy, now that I think about it. But as much as I dislike Riley, Dean's ultimately worse, imo. Also, I get the feeling that the only reason Dean was "cool" about everything in this episode was because Jess was gone. It was a victory to him because Rory was still "his." If Jess were still around, I think Dean would've behaved very differently this ep.


So sophie (the music store owner) is played by Carole king who sings the theme song for Gilmore girls. She’s also written and sung some very famous songs. I also 100% agree with what Andrea has said above about dean (and riley) iv never been able to put my thoughts into words about them but that’s definitely how I feel.

Tendai kangas

The only thing I disagreed with when you said that Luke should have figured I out with Jess. This kid was basically dumped on him and he could have said screw it, but no he tried to keep him in school, help him with school and did his absolute fucking best with this reckless ass motherfucking kid. so no Loreli should not have been angry at Luke and said those nasty ass things but instead say those to JESS or even at least tell Luke how mad she was with JESS, she just put the whole blame on Luke for no reason and that is why he also shouted back. welcome to my ted talk and thank you

Tendai kangas

And yes I still like loreli but I just didn't like the situation


The owner of the music shop is played by Carole King who wrote and sang the theme song,her and her daughter wrote and sang it together..it’s actually a pretty old song.

Stephanie Bedworth

As much as I've always disliked Dean there is one thing I definitely blame Rory for regarding the accident. Jess should have never been behind the wheel of her car. Dean got it for her, fixed it all up, and gave it to her. It was a special gift. For her to let Jess drive that car was very, very thoughtless on her part.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree! Dean is a saint in this episode, I would not have been that cool if someone did that to me! Also, as you say jess did drive irresponsisibly, letting go of the weel and made Rory scared.


I couldn't agree with you more about Dean. You've put into words the exact feelings I've always had about him. I can't really defend Rory's actions regarding Jess, but outside of that, Dean has always unsettled me for all the reasons you've pointed out. There are just so many red flags with the way he acts. I've never liked Riley either, but I never made the connection to Dean until now. But it makes perfect sense now that I think about it. When you compare Dean to an actual good guy, like Jim from The Office, there's no comparison. Jess aggravated a lot of Dean's worst traits but they were always there, lurking under the surface. I can never tell if the show wants you to feel this way or if it's just the way the actor plays it. Either way, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it.

Mariella Nilsson

Totally agree! And if it was the other way around, say Rory made something for Dean and he let some girl that liked him use it, then most people would not think that was cool.


I agree with you about Dean, Steven. Yeah he gets mad about the Jess situation a lot, but I like the kid. Jess on the other hand is just an asshole just to be one. Him being rude to Luke and Lorelai and not even trying to do better just annoys me. I don’t get the Dean and Riley comparisons. Riley is worse in my opinion.


A few random observations. Sophie is played by the Carole King who sings the theme song. It’s concerning to me that Rory was so scared of Dean she had to tell him in a letter and then was cautiously relieved he didn’t explode. Lastly I love that scene with Rory and Luke in the diner. The only 2 people that care about Jess and can see his potential under that cloak of anger and indifference.

Anna Hunt

I agree with the people not liking Dean. He's nice in the beginning, but he seems to have a lot of insecurities that show as anger. As for him not asking questions in this episode, this is the only time he's done that. He's always been suspicious, even when I don't think there was anything to be suspicious of. I also think there are probably a lot of scenes we don't see with them, the show only shows the dean scenes that have to do with Jess after he shows up. With Rory's situation this episode, I never saw it as Rory defending Jess as much as she doesn't like being coddled. No one likes that feeling, when you feel guilty and everyone is just brushing your part aside. She's being treated like a perfect little kid, and that would be really irritating.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Her car, her keys... makes her just as responsible for the accident.

Emma B

Kids make mistakes, kids have car accidents. That's my only issue, it's made into SUCH a big deal. Like I know I was in a car accident with my friends, missed my AP English exam and went to the hospital. Called my dad at the scene who worked an hour away and he said "Are you okay?" I said yes my knee hurts. He said okay go to the ER just in case and then laughed. It happens to everyone.