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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Season 6 baby! I personally LOVE this season, I hope you do too :)


I'm watching supernatural with you & I've been waiting for you to post your reaction so I can watch it! I'm so excited to see where this plot takes us!


Dean does love Lisa, she's the only woman he ever imagined himself with for the long haul. But he never would've gone after her if Sam hadn't asked him to because he didn't know how to have that kind of life and he didn't want to endanger her/complicated her life

Daniel R

Really great reaction! I love how the story of Season 6 unfolds. I think you're over-analyzing what Dean said about Lisa, you gotta remember he just realized his brother was back and was lying to him the entire time. Next episode will introduce more plot which I'm sure you will enjoy. Can't wait til next one :)


I personally never liked Lisa but I feel its more because of my own selfishness of not wanting the boys separated than anything else.

Daniel R

tbh I don't like any love interests the boys have lol it takes away from them being awesome together, but I like the way Season 6 handles Lisa and that whole situation.

Arada Michaels

I think Dean does love Lisa and Ben to some extent but he went to them out of guilt and wanted to stay with them out of guilt. A lot of things Dean has done throughout the series is out of guilt and honestly he probably doesn't know what he truly wants.


He absolutely loves them, but without the promise to Sam would never have settled down as it isn't him, wouldn't want to inflict how damaged he is on them, and also would never want to put someone he loves in danger for his own happiness. So it is true that he was only with them because he promised Sam, but because he loves them not because he doesn't.


I think dean cares about Lisa and ben. but he wasn't happy with them because he can never be happy without Sam.

Amy Rustand

What the heck is going on? It wasn't like they were brothers at all! Sam acted like Dean was just some guy he used to work with! Zero emotion. Thanks, I hate it. Sam is a different character - did hunting without Dean for a year make him cold and heartless like it did when Dean died and was gone for six months in "Mystery Spot"? If he doesn't get back to his normal self somehow I will hate this more and more. The relationship and feeling between the brothers was the lifeblood of the show for five seasons. Take it away and I don't know if I'll stick around for another 10.

Daniel R

Have you not seen this season before? If not, these are definitely the questions and emotions you should be feeling. It's part of the story.

Ali Jacome

Oh, you have not seen Supernatural before. Wow! Keep going girl! It's a long ride but it's worth it. Family is everything in this show!

Ali Jacome

For me, Lisa was never the love of his life. He was more in love with the idea of a happy family and normal life than in love with her. And she was more in love with the idea of having a father figure to her son. So, for me this relationship never made any sense: no love, no passion, not even sparks in some way. But it was crucial for Dean to know that his life is dangerous and there's nothing he can do to change that.


I always felt that Dean loved Lisa. Hard to specifically prove one way or the other as we really only see them when there are traumatic events happening. We don’t get to see their date nights, etc. to see how they interact as a couple. Dean still suffers from PTSD and a hole in his heart from losing Sam, so his depression, melancholy or whatever, is understandable...doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Lisa and Ben