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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


(Last Post For The Night)


Daniel R

Not fair! You uploaded both Supernatural and Vampire Diaries back to back! LOL


Great episode & reaction! And to answer a few of your questions, no it’s not a spoiler that Katherine isn’t an original. You also said something about what happens if a vampire bites a pregnant lady. In order for you to turn, you would have to DIE with vampire blood in your system. As soon as the mother dies, the baby does too. That’s why it doesn’t work. Another thing is the reason why Rose drove is because her suv has blackout windows.


Also, you NEED to check out the Originals after season 5 of this show so you won’t get spoilers! they are so OP you have no idea❤️ I actually prefer the Originals over TVD. No shame.

Valencia Lanier

Damon’s car has no tinting, that’s why he couldn’t drive so Rose had to drive her tinted SUV. Let’s say Katherine was Elena’s age when she turned in 1492 and this was 2010 then she is maybe 530 or so. Rose was already a vampire before Katherine turned so who knows how old she is but clearly more than 530. The Salvatores were turned in 1864. So they are are in their 170s. Caroline maybe the baby vampire but the Salvatores are like teenagers compared to the other vampires right now. I love season 2. Wish I could binge all your S2 reactions already. Oh Elijah 🙃. Also as much as I liked Slater he was too open with his information. Talking out in the open with other vampires. Letting on that he knew who Damon was like that was stupid. He didn’t need to flaunt his intel like that. Of course Elijah killed him. He’s the type of dude that knew too much, didn’t really have any discretion and then had a way to get messages to Elijah. He needed a back room with sound proof walls or something.

Futuristic Girl

This is one of my fave episodes of tvd. It gives so much info and we learn more about why Katherine is the way she is.


"What happens if you bite a pregnant lady?" Decent chance she'll bite you back o.o No but seriously, getting bitten doesn't do anything, they have to ingest the vampires blood then die, I guess that would kill a pregnancy, at least I hope so, as dark as that sounds. Would not wish vampirism on a fetus. The Original being able to compel other vampires didn't seem to amaze you as much as it did me, that is crazy useful. I really enjoyed the Caroline and Stefan hangout, and him saying she reminded her of Lexie. It's an 8 for me.


Loved this reaction! And yes Katherine was always very selfish, but that’s also why she survived that long. Bc nobody answered this question yet: Vampires can’t get pregnant. And yes, the human petrova doppelganger was one of the ingredients for the spell that created vampires which is why they need one to break the curse. And since Elena is the only human doppelgänger left, Klaus would go to great lengths to find her. Have fun with the rest of the season, it’s a wild ride.

Lynell Twiner

Great reaction and questions! You can watch The Originals after Season 4 not before, it's awesome! Lots of twists and turns an incredible show. Hopefully you will post more this week.


The thing about tvd that I love is that the lore is so good. They keep expanding the history and things fall more and more into place.

Sade L.

I just love this season of tvd! It’s just too good 😩


I always find it weird how everybody (including the show) frames Katherine's acts in the flashback as her being a bitch, her being a shitty person, etc. etc. She didn't wanna be murdered. She tricked the people who were handing her over to be killed. How horrible of her.... :D Rose had absolutely no qualms about handing her over, why should Katherine have any about Klaus being mad at them? Now, in the present, clearly her actions are more fucked up and selfish, but back then? Go Katherine!


I knew the warlocks were bad when he interrupted Jeremy and Bonnie’s date. No one with pure intention would insert themselves like that,


I love all of the info we got in this episode...I second that it will be a must for you to watch The Originals (after season 4), IMO it is a little better than TVD


I love Stefan and Caroline.

Futuristic Girl

I agree with this. I'm sure if any of the other characters were in the same situation they would've done something similar. Her baby was given away after she just gave birth. She was disowned by her family and kicked out of her home. Then, she met an old ass vampire that wanted to sacrifice her to break some curse. Then, he slaughtered her whole family. I understand why she did what she did. In her mind, no is gonna save her, so she has to do whatever to survive.

Brianna Dawson

I love Caroline and Katherine. They are my favs. Caroline is just such an amazing character with awesome growth and control. And Katherine is so captivating as a character, she's a survivor and doesn't mind being ruthless to do so. They are both badass in their own ways. I'm also a fan of Rose, she is always honest and genuine. Great reaction!

Janeka Rector

One of the most important bits of lore are in this episode and it’s given me a lot of clarity as a long term fan of this series and the spin-offs- the humanity switch. Hearing Rose talk about how once you get old enough, you can’t turn off your emotions anymore- it explains a lot. Becoming a vampire can be so traumatic so it makes sense that there would be a mechanism to stop the horror of what you’ve become and what you’ve done until you have time to deal with it. Thinking of Katherine- she was a disappointment to her family and fought for her survival in life and that only got heightened in death. And she’s spent hundreds of years being cunning and running for her life- there’s no way she can really stop. Fear is a powerful emotion and it may seem sometimes that it may not make sense for characters on this show to be so controlled by their emotions but the show’s lore supports the fact that emotions are a vampire’s handicap. The older they get, the more intensely they feel and they can’t shut it off. It smacks of true horror to me. No wonder the chance to find love and a pocket of happiness is worth nearly dying for, loneliness has got to be debilitating. Damon focusing on vengeance for so long while waiting for Katherine... it explains a lot to me why the Brothers Salvatore are the way they are.

Lynell Twiner

How often is a new episode posted for $10 tier on Vampire Diaries?