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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




I think it will be the moment when he hears the story of "The Lone Centurion"


Not going to lie, was kind of hoping that you would have turned around like it was Master Piece Theater....."Welcome, I am your host"......just saying, in my mind it happened and it was brilliant!!!!!


When you realize that, it never mattered at some point and time Amelia Pond would know a truth and would be told by ever Adult in her life that she was mad for believing what we the audience knows to be true.


21:33 The theory/thought on the time travel stream crossing is because the rest of the Universe has already collapsed there are no Guardians of the rules of Time Travel any longer, once time started to break down they would be the first to go.


Basically, its a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. That is the best explanation for that haha Amy once had a normal life, but then the crack appeared and it wiped her family from existence in a similar way Rory, and later, the doctor was. The crack in her wall was there for 10 years (probably longer) and being so close to it she had the whole universe inside her head giving her the power to remember. My favorite part has to be when the Doctor was on the rewind and we got to the Angels episode. That whole scene where he told Amy to remember was there and it was so confusing when you first watch that episode. For one, the doctor was noticably wearing his jacket after he lost it to the Angels and what he said made no sense...but then this episode happened and it is genius. Seriously, great planning on their end for that. Honestly, this is a season (and probably all of Moffat's seasons) are the kind that are confusing until its revealed and it makes so much sense. They are the kind you rewatch multiple times because you catch random things that become important later on. "Never ignore a coincidence, unless you are busy than always ignore them."

DJ Doena

I have to say that I'm mightily proud of myself. Because even first time around in the Angel episode I immediately noticed that the Doctor who was talking to blind Amy was dressed differently than the one from the actual episode. I didn't know what it meant back then but I was intrigued.


In this episode, the Doctor crosses his own timeline with reckless abandon. The “rules” of time-travel didn’t change. The universe did. Either these feats were possible with planet earth at the “eye of the storm” of “total event collapse” or else the Doctor had nothing to lose. TV shows used to be written, and some still are, so that you can look away for a moment or return late from a commercial break without missing anything. Important reveals or clues were never subtle and sure to be repeated. Doctor Who in the Moffat/Smith era is not one of those kinds of shows.

Sharon Owen

Yes, these are episodes where you blink and you miss things (or get transported back in time by Angels). Like he missed when the Doctor said he was leaving a message in her head, until Amy reiterated it. This era was a show that took me away from reality and totally engulfed me into the storyline, which is the only way to watch these seasons. No phone, no distractions, nothing. Reactions are different to watching without a camera, so it's hard to completely engulf yourself into the show as much as most people. I think if he needs to pause the episode it's fine, sometimes you need time to process what's just happened!

Sharon Owen

FYI - she didn't joke about having sex with the Doctor, she said 'snog' in the shrubbery, which is a kiss. I took that to mean she and Rory didn't have a chance to snog in the shubbery. Or if she did mean the Doctor it was a joke.


Doctor Who started out as basically you could never ever change what happens. But that obviously would get boring. I think new who is where the made up this idea of fixed moments vs ones that are in flux. They never seem to follow a set of rules for time travel. Moffat likes to play loose with the rules for the sake of fun. Daleks and cybermen will always keep coming back they are the most iconic and recurring villains. Though ive noticed whenever you see a cyberman its like ok time to text or read twitter. Think most of your cyberman episodes your looking at the phone 30+% of the episode

Daniel R

Fez's are cool.

Dani C

Google worked fine :) This two parter is one of those that works better on a second view, I think - I liked it a lot first time around - I loved it after a second viewing. Good reaction - lot of fun.

Dani C

The rules of time travel have always been a bit loosely defined in Who. Sometimes the show has taken the stance of not allowing two iterations ofthe same person to come into contact - but then they come up with reasons they can be when a multi-Doctor story came around. - Totally agree with how cool the story of the Last Centurion was: I think one of the reasons I love this series is because of the lore and the myth building: The Last Centurian, The Girl Who Waited, and the Mad Man with a Box.

Dani C

The 'Gotcha' comment was a call back to the second episode, The Beast Below: at the end of that episode, as Amy says she has seen something like the Starwhale before: very old, and very kind and the very last of his kind - The Doctor tears up and Amy hugs him, and whispers ' Gotcha'.

Dani C

Oh and others have said: 'snog' just means kiss, not sex


That narration of the Lone Centurion always gets me. One of favorite moments in the whole series.


Are you doing the Xmas special next or jumping into the next season?


The reason all the rules are being broken is because of rule #1 the doctor lies

David Broome

That was 10 all day everyday for anyone who pays attention.