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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I would love it if you could watch and react to two of my favorite movies, both starring Jim Caviezel. The Count of Monte Cristo and Frequency. Since you love Person of Interest so much, I think you would absolutely love these movies too. Plus... one of the episodes of Person of Interest from season one titled, Witness, makes a point to talk about The Count of Monte Cristo given that Jim Caviezel plays the main character, and the kid points out the character is a hero, just like Reese is. And Frequency is just phenomenal too. Please!!!!


- It's the torture curse they were practicing on first years, but still. - Slytherin's common room is in the dungeons (basement) part of the castle, which is why it makes more sense that they'd listen to being told to go back to their room. Still, the books will explain this portion much better (actually all of Harry's return is entirely different). - Students go back to the school as it's the only school and it's compulsory (and Voldemort controls the ministry so this is why the ministry says to send them there). I think some don't attend but that's why there's still a lot of students there. Ginny and Neville kind of lead the resistance during the year. Luna isn't supposed to be there when Harry arrives (in the movie), since as you pointed out she was just away from the school.


Now that you have finished watching the HP movies, the next logical step is to watch the "A very potter musical" trilogy on youtube by starkid.


Helena Bonham Carter playing Hermione playing Bellatrix, who is played by Helena Bonham Carter is so brilliant. She's perfect in this role. The book explains more why the school is still open and basically yes, they are forced to be there. Also, the Cruciatus Curse is the torture curse, not the killing curse. That's "Avada Kedavra".


"The Cursed Child" (a flash-forward to when Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Ginny, and Draco's kids are at Hogwarts) is actually a bit controversial as J.K. Rowling didn't write it (she approved it) [EDIT: comments below are saying otherwise and I’ve seen multiple sources saying both she help write it and she didn’t so take this comment with a grain of salt] and there are a quite few discrepancies in TCC vs the original books. If you do want to check out TCC, I recommend going to see the plays instead. They are definitely magical and worth the full day of being in the theater (I actually want to see it again), whereas the actual script is kind of boring in my opinion. You can read it, of course, but it kind of falls flat since it literally created to be seen instead of simply read. Some fans don't even see TCC as canon and view it as an author-approved fanfiction. Still, I think the play is worth seeing (even if you're not a big theater person) so you can form your own judgement.


I don't really like the Cursed Child, but the claims about her not writing it seem a little disingenuous. She didn't write it because she doesn't write scripts especially for plays. She developed the idea it is based on, put together the team to write it and produce it, and contributed to the writing.


Warner Bros don't own Harry Potter, it could never be their Star Wars. They have limited deals to produce the films, with varying levels of limitations as time has gone on. But the property outside of that is entirely owned by JK Rowling, it is what she wants to do with it that matters. I imagine if it was up to them they would be milking it dry in every possible way.


WB would DEFINITELY be milking the HP universe dry if it were up to them, but it's not. JK Rowling keeps a tight grip on it....for better and worse.


There was a scene that was cut from the movie when they bring Harry back “dead” when Harry jumps out of Hagrids arms Draco yells to him and throws him his wand. Kind of a shame they cut it out, would’ve gave Draco some “redemption” I guess and would’ve been better than him just running away.


Yeah, lots of stuff happened off screen that you get to "see" in the book. Harry did die, at least the part of Voldemort that was inside Harry died. All of this is covered more in the book, of course. Seriously, all your questions will be answered by the books. They're amazing. Harry Potter is my favorite fandom, but I'm much more loyal to the books than the movies. Call me a "purist". lol


And yes, Neville is totally the hero of the story.

Light Yagami

To be fair tho, a good bit of the off screen deaths were also off screen in the book. Mad eye, Fred, Lupin, Tonks, etc

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I agree with you that it's rotten so many great characters like Lupin, Tonks, Mad Eye Moody, etc... were all killed off screen. I hate it too because this movie could have been longer to make room to show these tragic, but important deaths. Snape's death to me is by far the most tragic, because he was a good man all along. He gave so much for Harry and for Dumbledore, because he loved Lilly Potter. And while he struggled to deal with Harry in all their years at Hogwarts together because he disliked James Potter for bullying him and for taking Lilly away from him, he still did care about Harry and wanted to protect him. Harry after is Lilly's son. Plus... Snape also cared about Dumbledore even though Dumbledore helped Harry, all along knowing Harry had to die to destroy Voldemort. So, for Snape to have to kill Dumbledore too... it must have broken him that much more than he already has been upon being forced to pretend to be on Voldemort's side. And knowing all this, then seeing Snape being killed so brutally... it's absolutely tragic. I can't help but cry every time. When he's being killed, and throughout Harry seeing his memories through his tears. I also love that in the end, it's revealed that Harry and Ginny named their oldest son after Severus Snape, giving their son his name as his middle name. Fabulous! I love, love, love Snape as a character. And Alan Rickman in this role is fantastic, just like he always is. And Snape is definitely one of my favorite characters throughout these movies. Professor McGonagall played by the phenomenal Maggie Smith, Ron Weasley played by Rupert Grint, Neville Longbottom played by Matthew Lewis, and of course... Voldemort himself played by Ralph Fiennes, who is phenomenal as well. Also... I agree with you about Ginny's character being just okay, while Neville is absolutely fantastic all throughout these films. I don't care about Harry and Ginny as a couple because they never built up well enough for me. And I definitely would have preferred to see Neville kill Bellatrix for what she had done to his parents, whom she actually tortured so badly that they are now confined within an insane asylum and no longer know their son to be their son, which is why Neville lives with his grandmother. So yeah... while I love seeing Bellatrix being killed by Molly Weasley, which I like a lot, I think Bellatrix's death would have been far more impactful had it been Neville who killed her instead. Perhaps, they purposefully chose not to have him kill her because it might have been seen as him taking his revenge out on her and they didn't want revenge to ruin the good and innocence in Neville. But I don't know if this is how JK Rowling felt or not. Overall... these movies are fantastic and full of magic, fun, entertainment, humor, and beauty too. So, thank you so much for your reactions for all of these fun and entertaining movies, Steven. I agree with you that there are certain characters within these films that I would love to see spinoffs for showing more about their lives. Maybe one day we will. Who knows? I look forward to seeing more movie reactions from you to come! Be well, my friend. :) Sincerely, Heidi


Please, please do a commentary after every book saying what you think of it. You should do one for the first book (which you read already) before you forget all the things you might wanna say about it. Do a live stream or something. We would love to talk to you about it, asking what you thought of it. You should do one after reading every book. I would even pay to attend a livestream like that. So please think. about it. We would all love it.


You should really do an entire podcast about the chapter The Prince's Tale - from the last book - where the story of Lily and Snape is being told. And what Snape went through his whole life. The best chapter of all books, hands down. Even thinking about it makes me tear up. There is so much detail in it compared to the movie.


i think if neville would have killed bellatrix it would have been predictable. a great idea but just a tad too predictable if you ask me. i think mrs weasley was the perfect person though! the mother figure to harry through the entire series who treats any child like one of her own, which the fact she protected her daughter from bellatrix, she also avenged parent-less neville too! (which btw, neville's parent are actually alive in the books - bellatrix tortured them so much they turned "loopy" and never acted "normal" ever again, and now spend their lives in a mental ward at st mungo's hospital)


Great movie/battle scenes, but I will never get over the omission of the Deathly Hallows reveal. Harry didn't die (permanently) because he had all 3 Hallows: the elder wand, the invisibility cloak, and the resurrection stone (from the ring Horcrux that Dumbledore destroyed and left for him in the Snitch). Also more metaphorically, he's "mastered death" because unlike Voldemort, he's willing to die to protect his loved ones/for a noble cause (like his mother). In the books, the final battle scene is in front of a whole crowd of people and Harry reveals Dumbledore planned his death, and that Harry is the master of the elder wand. So there's a moment of Voldemort knowing he is defeated before he dies. It's epic.


This movie is okay and had good moments, but it will never ever compare to the 7th book. I'm so happy you're reading the books.


My only issue with Harry destroying the elder wand was that he could've re-built Hogwarts, gave the Weasley a little extra pocket change and give Hermoine's parents back their memories first (movie-verse, since she used "obliviate" in the movies and not in the book so Harry wouldn't have needed to reverse that). And I love that Neville could arguably be considered the hero (he is in my book) because his birthday is only one day before Harry's and if it weren't for the specific words in Trelawney's prophecy (which you will read in the books), Neville would've been the chosen one. I think it's brilliant!


I would love to see a reaction to fantastic beast and crimes of Grindelwald if you can! They are very different but I think they are great once you’ve watched the Harry Potter movies. Tcc is actually pretty good going into it I didn’t have much hope but I think it did really well for what it is. Draco is a better person in the books his character development makes more sense and gives his ending a better light since like the other characters he does change his way of thinking.


Crazy watching these reactions - I always forget how much is missing from the movies. Love the idea of a book update after each one - I am dying to know what you think of the full story.

Abi Brennan

It's not in the books but one of the scenes they added in and then cut out was Draco tossing Harry his wand in the outdoor scene when Hagrid is carrying him and he pops back up. Something like that would have been a more satisfying ending to his character arc rather than him just walking away and having no repercussions for anything he did. Also Harry and Ginny had 3 kids, not 2. The boy who pushed his cart through the barrier before Albus and is sitting next to him on the train was his brother, James.


Instead of reacting to the Fantastic Beast movies, you should react to the Harry Potter musicals lol


For me, the saddest part of this movie isn't necessarily the "Always" scene with Snape, it's the scene where Harry and Hermione talk after he sees the memories in the pensieve. Harry saying, "I think you have too" and Hermione saying "I'll go with you" breaks my heart.


Didn’t Voldemort having a part of Harry (his blood) also play a part in Harry’s survival in the end? Too long since I read the book, currently re-reading OotP.


My heart broke a little when he said he was going to hold off on doing LOTR 😭💔

Marissa Brady

This movie was great. I was a bit annoyed when they did the deaths offscreen as well, however that was how they did it in the books also( which also annoyed me). I still have not forgiven J.K. for killing off Remus. I don't think I ever will. That death did me in. To me the MVP in this movie is Neville. He really pulled out all the stops to do his part in the fight. Out of all the characters in the series, I think that Neville had the most character development. I would totally love to see a tv series based off of Neville and Luna and their children! I just absolutely love both of their characters. Ron and Hermione finally hooking up was great. Also, If your looking for something new to react to, there is a musical based off of the Harry Potter series called A Very Potter Musical. It is by starkid and the whole musical is on youtube. It is absolutely fantastic and you'll laugh your head off throughout the whole thing(it's fan based!).


Yeah BUT Steven will be watching the extended editions and split them all in half, which means we are getting 6 lotr reactions! Which is amazing!


Now that I've finished watching your reaction, I actually lowered my rating. I didn't remember how much they left out and changed. I'm kinda sad that the big reveals have now been spoiled for you and reading them from the books won't have as big of an impact on you. But that's ok. I really really hope you end up doing the reviews/thoughts on differences between the two formats.

DJ Doena

One other thing the movie also only indirectly explains is the final battle between Harry and Voldy. As Harry did explain, he was the rightful owner of the elder wand (in the wand's mind, no matter who actually wields it at the moment). So when Voldy tries to kill Harry with it, the elder wand makes the spell backfire and Voldy actually kills himself. This also brings the story full circle because it started with a killing spell from Voldy to Harry backfiring and so it ends.

DJ Doena

Fact Fiend with Karl Smallwood has a recent episode discussing Voldemort's (and other Potter character's) costume. It's quite interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ovuFMU2PM

Lucile Byrd

You know, that would be awesome if they turned the Cursed Child into a TV series!


Are you still going to do the reviews of the books?


If you do decide to do a review on the books, I think it would be cool to see you go back over the reviews you have made on each of the movies and compare how different they are. There are many moments that Harry is just not present for which is why I think the director did not feel the need to have them be on screen as they are also off screen in the book too. I would really love to see your review of the books and your reaction to some of the choices JK made in them.


jk rowling has been pretty clear it would be very hard to continue the harry potter story because it's set in the late 90s right before cellphones were a thing which would be very hard to deal with to be fair i think that's why she did a prequel.

Inger Lise

I hope they make a movie about the origin of the dementors. They have made two spin offs of harry potter, and none of them have been that good. But jk rowling has written an vague backstory for the origin of the dementors, and it is pretty good. You can find it online. Apparently the dark wizard that created them, was even worse than voldemort. And it was a loooong time ago, so you could get all new actors.

Inger Lise



How are you going with the books? I really hope you do make a video reviewing them and comparing them to the movies. I've never understood why anyone who hasn't read the books enjoyed the movies, because the movies leave so much out as to render them kind of nonsensical and difficult to follow if you don't already know what's going on from the books. The characters in the movie (which must be considered as distinct from their counterparts in the books, because they are simply so different) are also weirdly stiff and awkward and don't seem to know how to interact with one another as if they're actually friends or are in love. In saying that, I can't see how anyone who HAS read the books enjoyed the movies, either. They're so painful if you actually love the characters (1-3 are not too bad). In the books, Harry is my fave character, very closely followed by Dumbledore and Hermione. Their portrayals in the movies miss the mark so spectacularly that the characters become unrecognisable to me. But this is coming from someone who read the books throughout my childhood and saw the movies afterwards. I know that seeing a movie before reading a book often alters one's reading of the book drastically, because the characters as written in the book tend to be viewed through the lens of the characters as they were portrayed on screen. That's one of the reasons I would find it so interesting to hear you talk about the books and how you view the characters after reading (differently? the same?) It would also be great to hear if all the problems you had with the movies in terms of plot holes were resolved.


One of the other terrible f*ck-ups the movies made was their portrayal of Snape. It should have come as no surprise to anyone watching movie 6 that he would betray Dumbledore and be working with Voldemort. Viewers seeing that should have been like, "Yep, makes sense." That way, the *true* Big Reveal in movie 8 - that he was actually playing Voldemort and was on Dumbledore's side the whole time - is far more shocking, impactful and emotional. The movies reversed this entirely by portraying Snape as less of a complete monster than he is in the books, making viewers who didn't read the books feel shocked when he is revealed as Bad, and then later satisfied and unsurprised when he is revealed as Good.

Hazel Angus

I think Snape may be the bravest of anybody as Harry says - but he was definitely not a good man, in my eyes. I love his character though - complex, tragic, very detailed. I think his story is Rowling showing us, once again, that Love is a force greater than any magic. In this case it can lead even a not-very-nice person to make honourable and brave choices.

Hazel Angus

I'm pretty sure money is one of the things you can't create, it's a violation of Gramps Third Law of Elemental Transfiguration. I think. Might be naming that wrongly though, been a while since I read them!