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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This was the episode that got me hooked on the show.

J Scott Page

I LOVE any episode of any show that does multiple POV's of the same event. And then there is the ending.... This episode for me was an easy 10.

Dani C

Oh Yes! Been waiting for this ep :)


Buckle your seatbelt, the show is finally lifting off


I think this is a lot people’s favorite ep of S1 actually. I thought it was very well done, and it’s a major turning point in the series. I have a hard time calling it my favorite, because I definitely didn’t like seeing Skye get shot, but it was intense, and emotional. And I don’t see how anyone could watch this ep and not want to continue the series.

Chaos T

It's amazing to see how far this show has come from it's rocky beginnings. As the seasons go on, it's turning into one of the best comicbook shows on TV. I couldn't have seen that in the first season.

Angela Colon

This is an amazing episode. I love this one too.

Brandon Delacruz

Man I wanted to see this episode but I guess I cant