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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation





One of my favorite episodes in the series. Maybe not the best overall episode but my rankings are based more on what they make me feel and only episodes like The Girl in the Fireplace and a few others here and there can compete with the emotions in those last ten minutes... happiness he can see his accomplishments, a gut punch that his life was still too hard to change the outcome, and overall sadness knowing the real Van Gogh didn't even get that first part.

Kelly Walker

The pronunciation difference is US vs. UK. You have it right for here. That ending is one of my favorites of the series.


it is really interesting to see your reaction as mine was the opposite. I never liked Donna as a companion and therefore liked Amy for replacing her. But I also liked the running away with your imaginary friend and having adventures aspect. One thing she did was preventing the doctor from killing the whale. And I really love the last 10 min of this episode.

Launa Sorensen

I’m pretty ambivalent about this as an episode and I think the symbolism could have been pushed a lot better with the monster, but that ending is so incredibly special to me. One of the moments that will always make me ugly cry. I also really appreciate that those few “good days” didn’t stop the suicide. Happy days, even life-changingly wonderful days, doesn’t heal depression and other mental illness. Especially since he was left in the exact same terrible situation as he was found in. Depression can get much more manageable and suicidal ideation certainly doesn’t always end in suicide, but improvement can take a lot of resources and drastic change that someone like Vincent just wouldn’t have. It’s a lesson I think is important to have in a show like this. Depression requires constant support, not one big grand gesture, and even then bad things can happen and it isn’t the fault of other people a lot of the time.

Henry from CO

A suggestion, please consider hitting 'pause' occasionally during the reaction. I've seen other reactors use this to allow them to fully express an opinion without missing key dialogue from the episode. This has occurred to you more than once, particularly when you look up info on your cell, missing details important to the story. Again, just a suggestion.

Launa Sorensen

I also really liked the side mention that Van Gogh took his pain and made something beautiful. He seemed in real life like a pretty sweet guy. It’s why on another level this episode makes me very sad because of the pretty credible (though we will never know) theory that he was actually killed and didn’t kill himself. If he really was murdered, it robbed the world of a treasure.

Henry from CO

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things."

Dani C

I am very much in favor of reactors pausing the show while they look something up or if they want to talk at any length about something that just happened.

Dani C

Off the bat: Listening to your intro I dont think your assessment of Amy is completely off - she is reckless at times, however, she is also brave and curious, and impetuous and a bit of a control freak. I don't think we are supposed to like everything she does - I think we are supposed to question how she treated Rory and how Rory allowed himself to be treated. They were very young and figuring themselves and each other out in a very strange and in some ways quite damaging context.

Dani C

That episode is a mixed bag. The interactions with Vincent were great - i liked the bodged together device the Doctor used to find the monster - and as you say, the idea o fthe monster as blind and abandoned was interesting. The idea of an invisible monster was great. But the giant murderous chicken thing was a real disappointment. The ending absolutely elevated this episode - I'd say the monster story was maybe a 5-6 and the character story was 9-10, so I think a 7 rating overall seems fair.

Dani C

The British pronunciation of Van Gogh is different to the US pronunciation, and both are different to the original Dutch pronunciation

Dani C

Couple more points: first, I think one of my favourite moments in this episode was when Vincent pointed out that Amy was sad, had lost someone and was in fact crying - all without her being consciously aware - it's like she doesn't remember Rory, but deep down she knows she lost someone. Second point: The companion running in after the Doctor having been told to wait is a recurring thing in Who, going back to the classic era.

Dani C

just to add to that - you ask what Amy has done - and she hasn't done much in the way of saving the day - but she has done quite a bit in terms of smoothing the Doctor's way with other people: she is good at connecting to people very quickly. I think that's the aspect that reminds me most of Donna. The Doctor doesn't necessarily need someone to save the day or solve a puzzle - he needs someone to remind him to be kind.


Two things: (1). Matt Smith reign as Doctor is a very visual Doctor, you have to watch him, he has been doing and will be doing things that are called back and some have already been missed. (2) You are exactly were you need to be with this show, your feelings are exactly what they need to be. When the vast majority of us watched this for the fist time, we would have agreed with you on all points. Here is the issue, we know. We know things, we know things you don't know, we have foreknowledge, there was a reason we made the comment that you should watch who does the episode in the first four season of Doctor Who. It was so that you could see Steven Moffat's name and learn to trust him (you called him your boy, your boy has a plan and he thought it out in advance). Again you can break this show apart and focus on finding an answer for every moment or you can go along for the ride. Most of us did what you are doing right now and as someone who did that I wish I would have trusted more and gone along for the ride. You are not wrong you are spot on, but with Joss Whedon and Steven Moffat, they know how to do their job and both of them did it differently then most everyone else at the time they did it. You can either go with it or look back and see, your choice, but I did the one and would rather have done the other. Remember what the 11th Doctor said to Amelia Pond the first time they met. "This is a Fairytale" and it is not told and forgotten, it is built upon. Not everything is for everyone, you don't have to like everyone and you did not admit to liking Donna until episode 8 of her run.


Bill Nighy who played the Museum Expert on Van Gogh, did this without pay and his 100 words or less, were his thoughts on his and my favorite Artist of all time. There was also a suicide prevention number attached at the end.


Van Gogh is Dutch you are American and the Doctor is using English from England dialect.


It is weird how you feel about Amy, she ran in to save the Doctor, the Doctor had no idea the creature had moved


I gave this episode a 10, it was brilliant in how they tackled depression, the interaction between the actors was brilliant. The subtle moments of Vincent explaining Starry Night, Amy connection with Vincent, the trip to the museum, the explanation of Vincent's effect/affect on us told to him........brilliant!!!!!


One hub and dropbox work equally well for me. Vimeo works as well but I prefer the other two. The password can be a bit of a hassle.


I actually don’t care for this season all too much and don’t rewatch it as a whole for pretty much all of the reasons you mentioned, but this episode is super special to me. I love the emotional punch with Van Gogh and found his realization that people in the future know and love his work to be very touching. I also like that a show like this bothered to touch on depression and how devastating it can be and yet how moments of happiness are to be enjoyed too. Brilliant!

Linda Sanchez

I always just rewatch certian eps from this season (i can definitely understand your feelings about Amy) but this one I always watch even though it makes me cry. I really appreciate that he still kills himself because that is how mental illness works. Depression is not something that has a fix as simple that. I think this a beautiful portrayal of that.

Ana Adame

Yeah the monster in this episode really wasn't that great and my least favorite part of this episode. However, the acting and charactee interactions in this episode are amazing. This is the episode that made Matt Smith my favorite doctor ❤


The one hub link works, but just like with Vimeo, if I’m watching on my phone, it doesn’t let me turn the screen to make it bigger. It might just be my shitty phone, though. Lol.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Never watched an episode of this show a day in my life but even I have seen this scene on YouTube and it is without a doubt one of the most beautiful scenes in the history of television. Have to actually watch this show someday. <3


To be fair Amy DEFINITELY helped in The Beast Below.


Honestly, with the way you described Amy, I think you are going to like a character who is introduced in a few seasons named "Oswin Oswald" and another character named "Clara" they both are awesome and seem to fit with what you wish Amy would do <_< I love this episode just for that last 10 minutes alone. I'm sure most people feel the same, this isn't my favorite episode tbh, but it is one of the best written and directed. The acting, the dialogue....it's just so good. And the little hints at the loss of Rory, like they didn't just forget what happened and acted as nothing happened, you can see the lingering effects. I'm pretty sure it's just a pronunciation thing. I've heard Van Gogh pronounced as "Van Go" my whole life and was confused by DW saying it was "Van Goff" but different cultures and dialects say it differently.


For some reason this episode always reminds me of Puff the magic dragon with the whole invisibility thing. I never really thought too deep about it the first watch and the invisible monster may have just been for budget reasons? I havent watch a behind the scenes on this one if there is any but the invisible monster mirroring the battle with depression which is another form of invisible monster. How even knowing that things can only get better in the darkest moments its can still be too over powering.


This episode always gets to me. It's an emotional one. I get what you mean about Amy. I've said before for me, personally, Mr. Moffat's show runner style and writing style when he's not restrained by others (Like when he wrote under RTD who was show runner for Doctor's Nine and Ten and had some say and editing in what Moffat's final script would be like), when he's not restrained by that, to me (others highly disagree, this is just my take) he tends to use characters as tools to further his plots/ideas/concepts along, rather than develop the characters and make them feel like you can relate to them and emotionally connect to them and his emotional moments tend to therefore feel empty far too often (Not always just too often for my tastes sometimes). That said, I do still love a lot of his ideas for stories and the concepts behind certain characters if not the delivery of those characters.


Oh yeah and as for how to pronounce Van Gogh, I think it is a language thing. From what I know, originally the gh was more guttural sounding in a way English doesn't really have, and I'm guessing in England and some places pronouncing it with a ph sound is normal where we do the Go and leave off the gh entirely, not even trying for it. lol Like how some words we use over here we pronounce differently than they do over there.


This is one of those episodes that you don't really understand what the episode is trying to do, until the last 10 minutes. Then you go back and watch the episode again, and all the themes hit you in the face so hard you wonder how you missed them in the first place!

DJ Doena

Yeah it's similar to how English speakers can't really deal with the greek PS at the beginning of words like psychology and just make it "sychology".


This is such a good episode. Especially when you realise that Vincent is the only one that can see the ‘monster’ and nobody else can, a great metaphor for depression etc. And that ending definitely ups the whole episode, never fails to make me sob. It’s so powerful and sad. Also I agree that Amy is reckless but Rory mentioned a few eps ago to the doctor “you make people want to impress you” and it’s true. She also has done good things to help, in her second ep she saved the star whale because she figured out that it came to help. And she’s got herself out of a few situations so far (e.g stealing the device from the Silurian last ep) P.s. please pause when you look at your phone! :)


I think this is my favourite episode now. At first I loved it despite the giant invisible monster. But shortly after I took a tad longer to consider what it represents. It stopped detracting but adding to the episode for me. On the pronunciation of his name. Technically both ways are incorrect. The interweb says the Dutch would pronounce it so sounds more like Khokh. lol

Elise Lanciault-Breton

According to some historians and searchers, there is a big hypothesis that Van Gogh was schizophrenic, and since mental illness were not know back in the days, people would call him a mad men, and this disease would give him huge mood swings, but since schizophrenia can make someone hallucinate voices and images, I though it was clever that he was the only one who could the beast and when he said he could hear the colours, that was also part of that. It was cleverly written imo. Oh and of course, I tear like a baby at the end of the episode during that speech on Van Vogh at the museum of course, such a beautiful moment ❤️

Jason Usher

I've watched this episode about 30 times and Vincent in the museum gets me everytime, and he still killed himself because thats how depression works, you can't just fix it with good things, also when this episode aired when it was over they put the suicide/depression helpline on the screen, also The monster was never the point of the episode it was just the reason for The Doctor to be there, the whole point of the episode was mental illness(especially Vincents depression), if you ever rewatch the episode you will rate it higher for sure because everything hits harder now that you know the ending.

Sufyaan Kazi

Just switched from YouTube and catching up. When this episode first aired, as the credits faded out they put a helpline for people who were depressed or considering suicide. The show was more about highlighting that for some people their life just is full of sadness. Btw, this episode was written by Richard Curtis, also known for love actually, four weddings, Bridget Jones etc ... Amy, give it time, your boy Moffat doesn't rush things ...


This is probably my favorite episode out of all of them, purely because of the end, this episode was what made me interested in painting, van Gogh is my favorite. Currently I have not watched this reaction yet because I want to watch all of your reactions in order, just watched 1x3 and it reminded me of this one. I am very excited to experience Doctor Who with you, I grew up watching the revamped series with my dad. I really enjoy having the shoe on the other foot and getting to see someone else's reaction, their love and frustration with the show, like he did me.


And now that I've caught up to this point I do agree that the monster was very boring for me as well, aside from the why it was attacking, relating it back to van Gogh and how he would be attacked out of fear from the villagers and also while its not really said, the way he lashed out at the Doctor when he tried to help. But overall the emotional aspect of Vincent is really the only driver for me on this one, and it was a big one for me, I always cry.