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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Mark Wood

There is a common premise used in novels and comics, that as "gods' stop getting worshipped their powers levels wane until they utterly disappear once no one worships them anymore. Now within the show that isn't the idea they are fully working with. But we have seen "gods" before on the show, and their powers are very similar to other monsters out there. When we meet "Loki" for the first time, he sees more powerful then the other pages gods we had seen, but the show had already mentioned that "Loki" was more powerful then what he should have been. Well because he was an Arch Angel. Now the other common premise used in fiction is that "gods" aren't gods, just various beings or races above man, but not divine beings. Kind of for example in Marvel Comics, Thor was believed to be a 'god" part of Norse mythology, but in truth is just an alien race with abilities far above humankind. Now on this show, the Angels do seem to believe that "God" did in fact create the planet, and the race of men. And seem to consider the other various pantheons just a different type of being, but nowhere near their power level.

Mark Wood

Yes Supernatural produced like a dozen web episodes for the ghostfacers. They did on in episode "commercial" as the advertising for in. But it wasn't an official commercial, it was actually part of the aired episode.

Mark Wood

And there are a lot of fans who really love this episode, but for myself, this should have been a terribly serious dark episode, where you feel the real weight of the situation, and I find it way to light for the bulk of the material.

Maxwell Long

The biggest reason they made the other gods look weak was to make our main villain of the story feel stronger and more of an insurmountable obstacle for our heroes.


I enjoy this episode partially due to a personal interest in mythology and seeing the gods interact like this is fun, even if it is more humorous. I prefer it to one-off episodes with just one of the pagan gods causing problems. This episode also reminds me of a Stargate SG-1 episode from way back where the Earthlings with the help of the Asgardians attempt to broker a treaty with some Goa'uld.

Launa Sorensen

I agree with your assessment here. I really love all the Gabriel and Lucifer stuff and the concept of the ep was solid, but I also didn’t like bringing in other gods to have them slaughtered by the devil. Even if we were going with kind of an “American Gods” take that they lose power as they lose believers (which seems to be the idea? Lucifer told Mercury that the other gods forfeited the world to the angels) then Kali and Ganesh should both still be really powerful since there are still a whole lot of Hindus (not to mention Hinduism is the oldest known religion.) Bringing in other gods could tell a ton of cool stories, but it also complicates the world a lot in ways I’m not sure was necessary no matter how good the idea was. I think it would have worked better with creatures from multiple folklores (like djinn, for example, which are said to be the third creation of God with all the free will of humans, but just made of smoke instead of earth.) If it was a group of really ticked off nymphs, djinn, Chinese dragons, trolls, kami, etc it could have told the same story without kind of belittling other cultures.

Daniel R

Kind of agree. Supernatural does have a bad habit of bringing in well-known creatures/entities/deities of other cultures for the sake of whatever plot is going on, but also just ganking them like they're nothing. I mean, to play Devil's Advocate (hah!) this was supposed to be the last Season so I'd understand wanting to put over the Devil as something fierce, but it's whatever. It's no different than killing/destroying big name Angels and Demons. It's just something we as an American audience can benefit from, because I'm sure if there was a Chinese version of Supernatural best believe our Gods and Devils would be like lambs to the slaughter.


Pestilence: a fatal epidemic disease, especially the bubonic plague. Hits a little harder right now...

Sarah Trow

I just have to say that scene with Pestilence is a lot scarier now than it was when it premiered.....🤢🤢🤢🤢

Sarah Trow

Btw...OneHub worked just fine for me....better than Dropbox but Vimeo lets me cast🤷


It was just pointless, they have already killed the same kind of god and done so somewhat easily - no harder than a harder monster or mid tier demon really. So the episode has no real purpose at all other than the ending that could have been revealed in any other episode. It doesn't show how powerful Lucifer is, as we are fully aware of how relatively weak the "gods" are. All this episode really does is say hey, look at all the potential amazing plot lines could have existed involving these kinds of characters that can do amazing things . . . . . . nope, don't think so. We will make them pointless and gone in one episode instead, much better.

Valencia Lanier

I used to think the showing of Lucifer slaughtering the other Gods was more a metaphor of how Christianity had forced itself on the world in the earlier days. Making people convert and killing those who didn’t or making it seem like they were pagan savages. When Balder says what gives you the right, Lucifer even says that’s your problem, [no one gives it] we take it. But notice how Allah wasn’t in the room and Kali didn’t die. So the two religions older than Christianity still survive. This time around I wondered were they the two religions with the most believers? I just googled which had the most believers and while Islam does have almost 2 billion, Christianity has over 2 billion and Hinduism is third. And that’s in 2020. Now I think this episode is more a metaphor on how Christianity has taken over as the top religion. The violence is probably how we all know that the rise of Christianity hasn’t been peaceful and sometime steeped in blood.

Jason Usher

The Gods are not as strong as they one were because not as many people worship them as they once had, they get their power from the people who praise them


I've always loved this episode because we get the chance to meet various other Gods. As someone who has long been interested in Greek/Roman mythology and now intrigued by some other religions and myths from across the world, this is such a fun episode for me. It has always bothered me though that they made the other Gods so weak. I assumed it was due to the power/belief concept that many other shows and comics used (your strength is determined by the amount of people who believe in you) which makes sense but I wish they would've stated that in this episode.

Nan A

Most of what you said I agree. But Lord Ganesh is a Hindu god too and they made him a blood splatter on the wall.