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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Yeah the "love story" with Oliver and Laurel is not something I am a fan of. I think a lot of fans had a problem with it too. It's for all the reasons you said. He cheated on her with her sister and then her sister died...like why would you want to be with that person again? Digg is awesome. One of the best characters.


I was in the Arrow fandom when S1 was airing, and it seemed to me like no one really shipped Oliver and Laurel, unless they wanted things to be exactly like how they were in the comics so badly that they disregarded things that happened in the show. I hated the Oliver and Laurel romance btw.


One of the more pervasive problems with serialized shows like this is when they rotate through writers/directors a little *too* much and they don't fully get on the same page with character disposition and demeanor. The writers and directors who want Laurel to reconcile push one way and have her act the consummate professional or an emotional reprieve for Oliver, the ones who want to play into the divide due to their disastrous way they split delve more deeply into that, and all of them have to present both in order to keep all factors on our minds.


Oliver did not kill Sara......She went on her own...he did not kidnap her....and he also did not sink the ship. Only someone with ESP and knew what would happen could be held accountable. No one is suspicious of Oliver being the hood....except Lance.

messiah waite

Not deadshot but death stroke

Daniel R

I wanted to see more island stuff with Deathstroke and less Oliver/Laurel stuff. I'm with you David but I don't get their romance, it makes no sense and I tried to find something about it I can enjoy but I can't. It's such a complicated situation but the fact remains, Laurel's sister is dead, why would you EVER associate yourself with the man who cheated on you with your sister? I can't make sense of it.

Staton Chapman

I honestly dont get all the laurel hate. Shes such a kind person. Women everyday get cheated on n go right back to the people that cheated on them so what makes her any different.