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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



As you have stated this Doctor and Amy have been reckless and this is the result of those actions. When this occurred I was beyond stunned and then it dawned on me, I took him for granted, kind of like Amy and that is why he is so beloved.....potential lost. I will always remember Ror........?


Not everything is for everyone and if you don't vibe with Amy, it is the shows job to change that, so don't worry about critiquing. Amy did not have a terrible child hood, she was told she was crazy and not believed about Prisoner Zero and the Doctor, she got in trouble for the mess in the kitchen, she got in trouble for the broken shed, she got in trouble for the water on the floor, she got in trouble for missing dishes and broken plates outside and when she explained she went through four psychiatrist. Never be afraid to give your opinion, never silence yourself. Some people don't like Amy, I do like Amy, but you make valid points.


As far as Amy seeming dumb sometimes and getting herself into these situations I think thats just a lingering mistake of the series as a whole. Classic who the companions role was to be the damsel in distress screaming women cliche. And any time a writer would come in and try to actually write a smarter independent woman it would be met with a lot of resistance because women "have their place" I also feel like sometimes with these 2 part episodes they have a good episode concept but then either they just needed to trim it down to 1 episode or do a better job writing the script because theres enough good stuff but then mixed with meh.


When 10 died, he died alone after traveling on his own, with the memory of what he did to Donna, his lost of Rose, his dismissal of Martha and the whisper of a lovely old man telling him he was better then he believed he was at the moment. The 10th Doctor was a "cool kid" Doctor, even during his greatest victory when he had everyone he knew on the TARDIS, he still had to be mean to Jackie "Rose's Mom". I bring this up because I feel "Reckless" is not the proper term for both Amy and the Doctor's actions (I get why it would be used, that is not my issue) but, one was not trusted at all, the other was trusted too much. So one finally being trusted, might "Spring-Break Out" and one who was trusted too much, may try to extend that freedom outwards, seduced by how he is seen though those eyes. The dichotomy or a relationship is always a difficult one, I am single for a very good reason and it is all me, but to have one who trust you the way Amy Trusts the Doctor... So my term is...... "Impetuous", I feel more in line for a 21 year old Scottish Girl who grew up in England small town, as silly little Amelia Pond , with an imaginary friend named the Doctor and the youngest to ever play the role following the magnificence of "10. I love how your reviews get my mind a swirling, thanks again for this, it shows that we don't have to agree on things to have a wonderful time going through it........brilliant. I gave this episode a low 8, maybe high 7, I was going to go with more of a 8.5, but your points were/are valid and it does change it a bit from that perspective. You forgive more when you are "all in" already......hahahaha. Brilliant Reaction!!!!

Sharon Owen

Rose is a bit like Amy in the fact they were both a bit reckless. I liked Amy from quite early on, but this episode wasn't my favourite, I tend to skip the majority of the episode on my rewatches. I personally like Amy's approach as it was refreshing from the RTD era of Doctor Who. She did treat Rory like crap, but the last few episodes you see her affection for him a bit more.


We don’t really feel the impact of Rory’s death because we haven’t been convinced he actually matters that much to Amy. Choosing Rory over a life without him in “Amy’s Choice” came too little, too late. Amy has taken Rory for granted, was ambivalent about their future together, has shown no sense of caution, and now that’s been taken to its logical conclusion with Rory erased from existence and memory. None of this would have happened if Amy wasn’t reckless, erratic, and impulsive. She brought it on herself. It’s hard to care about Amy. The question is whether this is intentional and not simply careless story-telling. Anyway, Rory is gone, discarded like he was unimportant. I think so much more could have been done with his character.


I also think theres probably a disconnect when the actors havent really grown into the roles at certain points and then the episodes arent filmed in order, its easy to buy into the illusion that everything is filmed in the order we see them

Ana Adame

You aren't going to like every single companion (or episode for thag matter) and that's okay. Don't feel like you have to censor yourself because Amy is a favorite for a lot of people. With certain companions like Amy and Rose you either love them or you don't. I personally didn't really like Amy at first because she reminded me too much of Rose and Rose is my least favorite companion. Amy grew on me though and is my top now. She will either grow on you too or not. Either way is okay. Also, you are not the only one who didn't feel anything for Rory at the time of his death. Unfortunately, we weren't given enough to actually really care for him and that's a shame. Still, there are some amazing episodes coming up and I am looking forward to your reactions!


Honestly, Amy by herself isn't my favorite, especially in her first season. It's like you said, she is too reckless and we haven't seen her scared or feel the consequences of her actions (Though losing Rory we're shown little bit...however, Rory's death doesn't feel as impactful when two episodes earlier he also died and we got the whole "He's dead" scenario, which I do love, but I wish these two were more spread out because the impact isn't there.) However, I think she improves as she continues to be a companion and her role is more set in place.


Boring story, but there are better to come. In my opinion, Amy improves over time.

Vanessa J McNamara

I always though of Rose as reckless too, and so the idea of Amy being more never made any sense to me. But hey, regardless of how anything makes sense, everyone has their personal preferences. I’m just one of those people who likes all the companions, and the ones that stand out to me hinge on their relationship and chemistry with the Doctor, and as actors, with each other. Karen and Matt are good friends, and Arthur, as well. The fact that it translated on screen as well is a real plus.

Dani C

I think it is an ok episode yeah, I did feel shocked by Rory's death and I think that was largely because their acting sold it. The build up was off kilter. I also thought the Doctor was unfair towards the woman protecting her son. What mother won't fight for her child? As far as not vibing with Amy - well, everyone can't like all the companions equally. If you ain't feelin it, you ain't feelin it. I do think it is unfair to say there is no impact when she has faced dangerous situations: the thing with the angels really threw her into a very destabilised mindset (throwing herself at the doctor) - I also feel it is unfair to say she was in this situation because of stupidity - she was reacting to the fact the other guy was in danger and leaped across toi try to help him. Also age wise: she was 7 I think in ep 1 and its 14 years since that meeting so she is 21- she was only 19 when the Doctor first came back into her life in ep 1. very much a kid.

Dani C

Dont you just love it when your comments appear to vanish into the ether, so you rewrite them and then when you refresh the page there are 3 slightly different versions of the same overall comment? :P


I skip this episode, apart from the end I find it dull

Jason Usher

anyone can die from a taser, especially if repeatedly shocked with it like she was

Tammy L. Faulkner

Definitely a different reaction to Rory dying than mine... I don't care for Amy, infact she's my least favorite of the companions, but I LOVE Rory. I balled my eyes out the first time I saw this... the episodes sucked, but... Rory... I needed more Rory...