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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Maxwell Long

I love the way this season begins to accelerate in importance and how we keep inching towards the climax and you can feel it from here on out

Maxwell Long

Oh, also no - it's safe to assume right now that God has packed up and left and wants little to nothing to do with Heaven's idea of what "needs" to happen down on Earth. Heaven and God are two different forces in Supernatural. Think of Heaven as the Trillion dollar business that for far too long now has put profit ahead of the quality of its product.

Mark Wood

Dean is the perfect vessel for Michael, as Sam is the perfect vessel for Lucifer. And yes to get that perfect vessel it has to be from the blood line of John and Mary and be brothers (and be from the line of Cain and Abel, which would be a lot).. Now there are lots of imperfect vessels (like the guy Lucifer is currently using, or how John was a solid vessel for Micheal). The closer you get to perfection, the better the vessel. Now John would be a better vessel than what Lucifer currently has, and Jake would be a better vessel than John, he fits some of the "perfect" aspects. As for the end of the episode, I would assume one of three things. Adam is destroyed sent back to heaven, Adam is captured by Michael to use as a trap again, or Adam is going to be held as a backup plan just in case. After all if Sam doesn't say yes to Lucifer, Michael using Adam would have an advantage. Since Micheal didn't resurrect John and use him as a host (not to mention the emotional blackmail that would have on Sam and Dean, then we know that logical that Adam being from John and having Sam as a brother (even though not also from Mary's line), means he is (unless John had more male children) an even better vessel for Micheal then John would be, or those who are only from the line of Cain or Abel.

Daniel R

You didnt know Angel's talking to you in a dream was a thing? They do it a few times, remember Dean's dream about the stripper Angel and Devil and Anna interrupted? Angel's can communicate with you in a dream but if you're branded with certain markings they cant pinpoint your location. Also Cass says "it's not perfect but its possible" in regards to Adam being the new vessel. They set this up in "Song Remains the Same" when Michael explains to Dean about the bloodline which is why he was able to use John's body, it's the family blood.

Daniel R

Also at the beginning the Angel's didnt intentionally murder anybody. Remember all the way back at the Season 4 premiere where Dean was running from the screech and Pamela got her eyes burned out? The high pitched screeching is how humans perceive their Angelic voice, we are not strong enough to see their true face which is how Pamela got her eyes burned out, by just peeking. Angels need a human vessel to interact with other humans (like Castiel). Hope this helps but also makes you wonder if God is gone who is calling the shots in heaven? Obviously not someone who cares about humans burning up just to give Zachariah another chance. Good reaction nonetheless


I always think of the angels as followers. They need someone to lead them, so they may not be inherently bad but the people in charge are ruthless and even in their own way follow “the plan” (Michael, Zarchariah) Cas rebelled, but most angels are more than happy just to follow the leader where ever that may be.

Amy Rustand

This was a 10 for me. I loved seeing Cass kicking ass and not taking crap again. The move with the box cutter was brilliant. Dean looked absolutely devastated in the waiting room watching his brothers suffer. His eyes were just dead and hopeless, Jensen Ackles KNOWS how to play emotions. I loved the surprise of seeing Adam again (I think he's being 'held' somewhere by the Angels as the backup plan or bait for another angel play). I think the 'boss' Zachariah kept referring to is Michael. What other archangels, the highest order in this series, are active? I can only think of Gabriel, and he left Heaven, just like God did. I loved seeing Sam/Dean back on the same page again, ready to fight together instead of each other......One thing I don't like about this show's version of heaven is how apparently everyone is kept separated. When Sam/Dean were killed by the hunters and went to heaven, Ash was by himself and said he figured out a way to visit other people's heavens. So I think Adam is alone in heaven and wanted to see his mom in her heaven. What's the point of heaven if you're all alone and don't get to see the people you love???


I love that the first time Dean met Zachariah in 4x17, he told him “Angel or not, I will stab in your face.” And he got to live up to that promise in this episode. A favorite moment in the series for me.


The being talking to Zachariah in the beginning was Michael, I believe, not God.