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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Mark Wood

God, I am so glad you are sticking with this show.


Personally, this is my least favorite of the three seasons of Daredevil 3 > 1 > 2. I really like ~half of it and really don't care for ~half of it. That said both the parts I do and don't enjoy do lay instrumental groundwork for season 3 and other Marvel Netflix shows. Edit: this episode is, of course a credit to the season.

Josh Lomax

When Netflix and Marvel Studios ended their long relationship that spawned 6 shows that were loosely tied to the MCU (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher and The Defenders), hope seemed bleak. However, it has been publicly noted that Kevin Feige made it known that he wanted Charlie Cox snd Jon Bernthal to reprise their roles in future MCU projects. Whether they continue in movies or Disney+ shows has yet to be seen. One thing is clear to me, as you've said before about Cox: they were born for these roles. Not only are they leagues better than their movie counterparts, they both brought faith back to a franchise that was pretty much dead in the water after the failed movies. I know I'm late to the party on this channel but I'm really looking forward to your reactions to this season, as there are a few "holy shit" moments that got me on my first go.