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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ryan Pulliam

This is the first show that really got me into TV series. It may not be my favorite anymore but It will always be one of the best

Clay W

Yay more Smallville!!!

DJ Doena

Lex is about 6-7 years older than the rest of the guys. In this regard Smallville didn't really think their setup through, The Highschool crew is all born around 1986-1987, Lex was born about 1980 (he was nine when the meteors hit in 1989). Since this is 2001, Lex is 21 and the gang is supposed to be 14-15. Yet they drink coffee and will drive around in cars because reasons.


You should really watch more of this show. I’d love to see it as a regular thing every week tbh. The show starts off solid but for a while has a different “Freak of the Week” style with a new Kryptonite infected bad guy with some power. But once it gets out of that phase and focuses more on the Luthors it gets really good and full of great character building. I think you’d really enjoy it. I didn’t even know you were watching this show until I got this notification and went back and saw the other 2. So yeah, please do more/ episodes more frequently.

Daniel R

Hey if any Smallville superfans are here, I think I made mention of this in an earlier Smallville upload but 7 years ago before Man of Steel premiered I actually went and watched the entire series and made a list of what the "True Smallville Experience" is, considering a lot of Smallville is filler and you can skip handfuls of episodes and still get the entire story. That was the purpose of my project. If anyone is interested in looking over my work, while it is 7 years old, it is nice to share with those who are curious. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/225-television-broadcast-tv/65194135 It's a long read but for reference, to me, Season 1 contains 21 episodes but only 16 are worth watching for the 'Experience'. Smallville usually follows that trend but there is a lot of heart in the first few seasons, something that is lacking in the later seasons that they've replaced with more action and comic booky stuff.

Daniel R

As for Kryptonite there's SO MANY different types, if Superman were exposed to Green Kryptonite, it basically makes him sick. If exposed to Red Kryptonite it strips him of his powers, etc. Basically Superman gets his powers from the Earth's yellow sun's radiation, on Krypton they're under a Red Sun which is why no other Kryptonian has powers on their home world. It's the yellow sun that gifts them these abilities, but if they were exposed to a radiated piece of their homeworld then yeah you see the effects that we're all used to seeing. Red and Green are the main types of Kryptonite but you will see many more as the show progresses. But we're all used to the Green kind.


Think of the entire first season as an intro to the Superman early lore. You'll get a lot of freak of the week type episodes. So you're familiar with how the meteor rocks affected the town after the shower. But you have some great gems sprinkled in between. Especially if you're a big superman fan, like I am. He's been my favorite since I was a kid.


Honestly this first season is a bit to dredge through, but nearing the last handful of episodes the show finds it footing. Smallville is one of my favourite shows. They take the first two seasons to establish the majority of his powers, that creates some grate moments but also some skippable episodes. By the end of season, the show kicks into whole another gear and becomes great.


Funny intro considering for me this episode actually IS worse than the last one. This series was amazing, and some of the actors played the role so well I can never imagine someone surpassing them as that character (Lex, Lionel, Jonathan, Martha), but it still it will have it's uncomfortably campy moments, and cliche moments, many that are only considered cliche nowadays, and some that were cliche even back when this aired.


I'm a DC fanatic, and Superman is my favorite fictional character in existence, but despite powering through all 10 seasons, I could never muster any enthusiasm toward this series beyond "lukewarm." Most of it I kinda hate, as I don't care for their whole take on Clark as a character (and other aspects of the lore) at all. But it does have its bright spots. Unfortunately, these early episodes don't contain many of those, imo.