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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Marvel Monday on a Friday!? What madness is this!? Apologies if you explain in video, it's late and tired and I'm saving my viewing until tomorrow when I can stay awake for a full movie.

DJ Doena

35:40 "What was that for?" It was for 23:20.

DJ Doena

@David: Since you enjoy both House and Loki, if you have the time, check out the six-part mini-series "The Night Manager", it's really great

Dave Lemmens

Another awesome reaction to a Marvel movie. I can't wait for the rest. The 10 bucks was for the bet Cap made with Nick in the gym scene ('Nothing can surprise me anymore', but Cap was suprised). Also, just as a heads up: I saw you scroll right to the end to watch the end credit scene, but there are movies that have multiple end credit scenes (a mid-credit scene if you will).

Vicky N

You missed the real post credit scene. The one you watched was just one last Joss Whedon joke.