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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really love this episode. And it's another one of my favorites within season one along with Favorite Son so far. I absolutely love the dynamic and growing friendship between Lucifer and Father Frank, as well as Lucifer taking it so hard in the end upon Frank dying in his arms. And more so, I really, really love seeing this vulnerable side to Lucifer, especially since he's the Devil and not known to people to have any sense of emotions, loneliness, and the need of friendship. Frank's death is heartbreaking. And then the ending is phenomenal, when the situation suddenly becomes absolutely terrifying when Lucifer once again loses control as his anger rises when he attacks Frank's killer. Thankfully, Chloe is once again there to pull him back from his seething anger. I just don't understand why Chloe never questions how it is that Lucifer is able to lift the Spider off the ground and force him back against the wall so easily. Lucifer does things like this all the time, and while Chloe initially started questioning the strangeness about Lucifer before, she stopped doing so since she shot him and saw him bleed in episode four... Manly Whatnots. But Lucifer still does things that no human can possibly do, even through adrenaline. Chances are, adrenaline is how Chloe is able to play everything off, as well as anyone else who might witness Lucifer do things so seemingly miraculous. Nevertheless... I love the moment when Lucifer and the Priest play Lucifer's piano together. The music throughout this episode is great just as it is wonderful seeing Lucifer's change in attitude towards Frank as this scene continues on. And then... another of my absolute favorite moments in when Lucifer talks with God as he's staring up at the sky, having grown angry with his father for allowing Frank to die because he can't understand God's plans. Not for Frank and most certainly not for him. This is something everyone can understand and really relate to, since we all struggle to understand God's plans for us during the difficult times in our lives. Especially with everything that's going on in the world today. And I really feel like this is one of the biggest reasons why I love this episode so much. Because I absolutely understand how Lucifer feels towards God, and i really appreciate that this show brings this kind of emotion into such a sensitive storyline. Also... I love, love, love the moment in the end between Lucifer and Chloe, when she comes back to LUX in order to comfort him after seeing him so deeply shaken by Frank's death. This moment between them is so sweet, and I love it when they play Heart and Souls together on his piano. Adorable! As for the whole Malcolm, Amenadiel, and Dan storyline... it's most definitely intriguing, and like you... I really feel badly for Dan too, even though he has definitely made some really bad mistakes by working with Malcolm... both now and back during the days before the incident on Palmetto Street. However, we do learn that Dan's mistakes come from him looking the other way while Malcolm and his former partner, Paolucci acted corruptly. Dan shot Malcolm simply to protect Chloe when he saw that Malcolm was going to kill her. And I really appreciate that about Dan. And while I am also intrigued by Amenadiel's deal he's made with Malcolm to have him kill Lucifer... I am also angry with him to for plotting against his own brother. He's certainly not your typical angel you would expect him to be, but that's also what I love about him too. And lastly... I love the moment when Frank reveals to Lucifer just before he dies, that he knows Lucifer is really the Devil, and seeing Lucifer's shock upon realizing that Frank still cared for him and was his friend in spite of him being the Devil. Absolutely fantastic! Overall... this episode is phenomenal. I love Lucifer's struggles to understand how Frank could believe in God so much in spite of losing his daughter. And more so... I love that Lucifer struggles so much with it, because he can't understand his father's plans for him because of his pain that we see in his face and in his eyes from when God cast him out of Heaven and forced him into Hell, therefore making him the Devil and blamed for all of mankind's sins. It's really tragic, yet fantastic to see through a character like Lucifer. Tom Ellis is absolutely phenomenal as Lucifer Morningstar. I love him! Thank you very much, my friends! This was a fun reaction like always. And I'm so excited for more Lucifer like always. Until then...

DJ Doena

When Father Frank first played the piano, he was playing "Stairway to Heaven" which of course would annoy Lucy to no end. In the end, his view of Frank had changed so it didn't bother him that much.

Thomas Stark

I was shocked you two didn't recognize Lucifer was playing stair way to heaven at the end for Father Frank. The same song he started playing earlier. This is probably one of my all time favorite episodes of Lucifer. Loved re-watching the thing with you.